CHAPTER 26: Everything's Fine

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Raynie and I both walked hand-in-hand downstairs to see what was going on and I abruptly came to a complete stop at the bottom of the stairs when I saw Josephine standing several feet away from me near the entrance to the castle, looking at me and smirking at Raynie. 

"Hi there, Blaze." Josephine greets me. 

"Josephine." I reply as I pull Raynie closer to my side. 

"It's been a while." She grins a little towards me. 

"Yeah. What are you doing here?" I ask. 

"I've come to apologize for my brother Sean and his actions the other night. He feels terrible." She pretends to sound apologetic genuinely. 

"He's an adult, he can come and tell me himself. Besides, we both know he's never been apologetic in his life for his actions." I reply through gritted teeth. 

"True. Which is why I have come to apologize for him." She repeats and then looks over at Raynie. "You must be the new Luna." She smiles as she walks up to us and shakes Raynie's hand. "It's very nice to meet you." 

"You too." Raynie replies before looking at me confused. 

"Raynie, this is Josephine, an OLD friend of mine who recently escaped from our prison." I smirk at her. 

"I didn't escape. I was released. Which is why I'm here. Your father had me released and I came to thank him by inviting you all to a party that is being thrown at our castle a week from now in honor of my release and my family and I would love it if you all came." She said as she held out an invitation from her purse and handed it to me. 

"We'll see." I replied. 

"Is your father here?" She asks. 

"No." I said disgusted. 

"Okay. In that case I'll leave. I hope to see you all there." She smiles and then turns around to leave. 

The minute she leaves and the guards at the door close it, I tear apart the invitation and stomp my way towards my dad's office and storm in through the room up to his desk. 

"When did you plan on telling me?!" I shouted at me father. 

"Excuse me?" He asks while standing up behind his desk. 

"You had Josephine released?!" I asked trying hard not to yell louder. 

He closes his eyes, slumps down his shoulders as he sits down behind his desk again and nods a little in agreement. 

"I'm sorry Blaze. I thought that maybe you and her could...." He started to try and explain but I stopped him to REMIND him in why what he did upset me.

"Stop! All my life, I have done everything you ever asked me to do so that when the time came for me to take your place at the council, you'd be proud of me. I even tried convincing the Moon Goddess that Josephine was my mate because she came from the same kind of family as yours did and of course you it would make you look better. But you forgot the one most important thing that you taught me that you said was more important that being a king of Werewolves or even a strong Alpha. You taught me to fight and stand up for what I believe in and for what I love so that I can be happy and that me being happy has always been what you wanted for me. Well that's Raynie, dad. My heart has always been hers and the Moon Goddess knew that and even you and mom both knew it. But you tried to take control anyways and tried for so long to keep me from her. You don't see that it isn't just an Alpha's pack that makes him strong, it's having his Luna there beside him." I try hard not to choke up on the tears that I feel beginning to form in my eyes. 

My father continues to look down on the desk and doesn't look up at me. 

"Son, I'm so sorry." He says again. 

"Dad, for me to me to become a true and strong Alpha King one day, you need to trust me more and let me make my own decisions." I tell him. 

"I understand." He says. 

"What's going on?" We both hear my mom's voice come from the doorway to the room where be both turn and look at her. 

"Nothing dear." My dad replies. "Just talking." He smirks. 

"Hmm." She says and then continues. "Well, I need to speak with the both of you. I need for the two of you to be honest with me when I ask you what in the hell was that slut and bitch Josephine was doing in MY castle?!" My mom demanded while looking at me and my dad. 

"Honey, it was my fault." My dad begins to explain. 

"I know it was. But what's this party that's gonna be in her honor that her family is throwing for her in a week about?" My mom demanded while crossing her arms over chest as she waits for us to reply. 

My dad then nods for me to leave him and my mom alone and close the door behind me. 

"Is everything okay?" I hear Raynie ask from behind me.

"Yeah." I turn around to reply and smile. "I promise." 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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