CHAPTER 15: I Have Missed You So Much

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I swear I felt like a teenage girl going over to sleep at her boyfriends house. I know it might sound childish but I don't care. In fact, I don't care if Blaze has me sleeping on the couch tonight....Okay, that's a lie. But still, just knowing that I am his girl and just thinking I have a chance being in his arms again as we lay side by side in the bed.

I quickly snap back to the present once I hear my Uber driver tell me we were here, in front of Blaze's and my brother's place. Which I've got to say that I was really happy both him and Janet were at her place tonight. That way it wouldn't be as awkward in case Blaze and I decided to get intimate. Oh my god I need to stop overthinking things. I'm an adult. So I grab my two bags and take in a deep breath then letting it out before starting my way up the stairs.

When I finally got to the door, I knocked and as soon as he had answered, I saw something I had wished I didn't.

I look at him confused and yet somewhat a little hurt.

"I swear, it isn't what you think." He immediately begins.

I look back at the girl for a moment and then back at him. Both of them had looks of horror on their faces.

"Okay then. Explain." I tell him.

"Baby please let me explain." He says but stops when he realizes what I said already. He smiles and then grabs both of my bags and sets them down onto the couch before taking my hand and looking back at the girl.

"So?" I ask while trying to hide my nervousness.

"This is one of my really good friends, Shay. She had come to warn me about who might be behind the threats against my parents." He explains.

I was relieved to know that this wasn't some kind of betrayal and him cheating on me.

"Well that wasn't the best introduction." Shay teases him. "Hi, I'm Shay and yeah, I'm a good friend of his. It's a pleasure to meet you." She smiles while holding out her hand.

"You too." I smile back at her as I shake her hand in return.

"Well, I'm gonna get going. I will see you both later." She smiles and winks at me before she leaves.

"Alright. Thanks again for the information." He says to her.

"Of course." She smiles while bowing down to him and while on her way out, she smiles at me and winks. "I look forward to seeing more of you Raynie. Everyone is excited to meet you."

"Thanks." I blush a little.

Right after she leaves, I look at Blaze who I see is staring at me as though he wants to tear off my clothes. Which I would love, don't get me wrong but all of a sudden, I feel a bit nervous. So I clear my throat and try to distract his thinking.

"So, she seemed nice." I tell him nervously.

"She is." He replies while starting to walk closer to me as I just stand there, too nervous to move. Like it was my first time. In which ironically was with him back in my senior year.

He doesn't stop looking at me as he continues walking closer and closer towards me. Then I don't know what took over me. Just looking into his eyes a little longer and with him getting closer, I suddenly didn't feel nervous anymore and instead just threw my arms around him and smashed my lips onto his.

We started devouring each other's mouths while he lifts me up by my thighs and wraps them around his waist as he pushes me up against the wall and he begins kissing my neck and nipping at it a little bit making me moan and bite my lower lip.

"I've missed you so much baby." He says.

"I've missed you so much too." I reply breathless.

"I wan't you." I tell him.

"Mm. I want you too baby." He says between kisses he's giving me on both my neck and between my breasts. I then feel his hands slide up my shirt and start to cup one of my breasts as he continues covering me in kisses. Then he starts kissing his way back up to my neck and seems to focus on one particular spot that feels so good.

"Mark me." I tell him as I roll my eyes back a little from how amazing he feels by just touching and kissing me.

"Are you sure?" He asks while stopping to look me in my eyes.

"Yes." I smile at him. "Make me yours." I beg a little.

"Fuck you are so hot." He says as he smashes his lips onto mine again before then kissing his way back to that one particular spot that drives me crazy and it goes from him gently kissing it to his sharp canines going deep into my neck, penetrating the skin and it's just like the stories. At first it hurts and even has a little bit of a burning feeling. But then it quickly turns into a feeling of pleasure.

I start to feel my legs fall to the ground and feel my feet hit the floor as I notice his hand begin to quickly unbutton my pants and he slides his hand down my pants, in between my legs and begins rubbing my soft core with his finger.

Then the moment I begin to moan, I feel him slip one finger inside and then another one inside of me and begins moving his fingers in and out of me, slowly at first and then starts to speed up some more until I feel myself get light-headed and the next thing I remember is seeing everything go black.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :);)

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