CHAPTER 14: Josephine

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I couldn't believe that she would agree so soon to come with me but I am really happy that she did. She's my everything and I was worried that I would have to leave her again because I couldn't turn my parents down. Luckily though, again, she agreed to come with me. 

After she told me she would come with me, she told me that the first thing was she wanted me to show both Jane and Elijah not just what I am but also, I figured that this would also be the perfect opportunity to let them and Raynie know the severity of what's really going on. 

The first thing I needed to do though was to let both my parents know in what was going on and that I was bringing my mate home with me along with a couple of other guests as well. 

While the phone was ringing a few times, I was taking a deep breath in then letting it out before my mother answered. 

"Hello?" She answers in her soft gentle motherly and confident voice. 

"Hi mom." I reply. 

"Hi sweetie." She says sounding overjoyed. 

"Hey, I just wanted to call and let you know that I'll be coming home tomorrow night and I'll be bringing a few people that I care about a lot with me." I began to tell her. 

"Who?" She asked concerned. 

"Well first of all, my mate. She knows about what we are and she's okay with it and has agreed to come with me."

"Oh that's great." She says sounding even more excited. 

"Yeah it is." I smile. 

"And who are the others?" She asks. 

"It's my best friend I told you about years ago who happens to be my mate's brother, Elijah and his girlfriend and her best friend, Jane." I say hesitantly. 

"What? Three humans?" She protests a little bit. 

"Mom..." I started but she stopped me. 

"No. We can't bring all three of them here. It's already going to be hard enough having your mate who is a human stay with us while all of this is going on." She began. 

"I know but, she wouldn't come otherwise." I try and tell her.

She's quiet for a moment and then finally replies. 

"Fine. But nobody else. Things are already far too dangerous for us not to mention for humans." She says. 

"I know." I reply. 

"Have you at least marked your mate?" She asks. 

"Not yet. We haven't been together for too long yet." I try to explain. 

"It doesn't matter. To protect her even more, you need to mark her before you get here." She says. 

"I don't know." 

"Blaze, you know what could happen if you don't." She reminds me. 

"Yeah. I know." 

"Okay." She breathes out. "Well, I need to get going. I'll tell your father you said hi and that you're coming. He'll be glad to see you." 

"Yeah, me too." I tell her before we say goodbye and then hang up. 

Before I had come here, after telling my dad who my mate was and that she was human, he was furious with me and told me that it would be embarrassing for his son to have a human as their mate and one day take over the throne. He doesn't understand anything and we ended up getting into a fight and I haven't spoken with him since-that was a few months ago. 

Now, I'm not sure how he's going to react when I bring not just her but also her brother and her best friend who happen to be humans as well. Although to be honest, I'm not afraid of my father and I know that my mom will have already given him a head's up before we arrive so that way things will not just be less awkward but hopefully less frustrating too. 

I had finished packing my things and booked all of us a flight in First Class after Elijah had told me that both him and Jane were coming with us just this morning. I got lucky too cause there weren't that many seats left. 

Once I was done and set my bags down by the door, I took out my phone and texted Raynie to see if she was still going to come over and stay the night with me while Elijah and Jane were having some alone time together at Jane's place. 

Right before I could send the text, I heard a knock at the door and when I answered it, I was surprised at who it was. 


"Hey." She replied as she looked like she was scared. 

"What are you doing here? How did you find me?" I asked her. 

"Your Beta, Larkin told me." She says. 

"Well come in." I tell her as she walks inside and looks around. 

"Wow, this a pretty decent place." She says. 

"Yeah. So what's going on?" I ask, getting to the point. 

"I've come to warn you about what has been threatening your parents and what wants to see you tortured to death." She says. 


"It's Josephine." She says. 

"What? I thought she was locked away?" I asked confused. 

"She escaped a few months ago and apparently has taken many forms that nobody has been able to pick up on her scent or know exactly who she is or where she's at exactly." She begins. 

"Oh my god." I say in disbelief and suddenly begin feeling more worried about if rather or not I should bring Raynie and the others. 

"Yeah well, I don't know what your plan is but if you bring your mate there just keep in mind that she will be the first thing Josephine goes after." She warns me. 

I nod my head in agreement and then we hear someone knock on the door, making the both of us jump a little bit from being startled. Shit, I know that's Raynie because I can smell her scent. Damnit though, I really hope she doesn't get the wrong idea and gives me a chance to tell her. 

I open the door.......

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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