CHAPTER 37: Raynie.....2 Weeks Later

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There are many people in this world who like to believe that fairy tales are real and that everything can be perfect. I use to believe that that's what love felt like and I thought maybe one day I'd be just like any little thought and have their knight and shining armor somehow find me and rescue me from myself and from the pain.

To be honest though, I am actually glad that life isn't perfect. Where things aren't all the same and there's nothing to be scared of and there's so many bumps in the road.

Love can be the greatest thing in the world and no matter how many times we try and convince ourselves in what we think is love but really isn't, the more we believe it to be true and in the end get disappointed. Because life in general isn't easy and neither is love.

Many people treat love as though they can buy it anywhere no matter the cost. Some treat it as though it's a product that can and will eventually break into thousands of pieces and then they can just find more. Yeah, about that, I'm learning the opposite.

I am learning that it's not perfect but by god is it worth it. And even though my prince charming came with a howl and sharp teeth and claws, I can tell I have something better than any love song, romantic movie or story out there.

I love the fact we aren't perfect and we do have bumps in the road that we seem to overcome together every time in beating the odds.

It'a crazy to think sometimes that I was once a human. In fact, though I still remember about when I was human, I have spent more time in getting to know more about Luna's and becoming a werewolf and I must say, it's pretty damn cool.

I hear someone opening up the bedroom door and I quickly pull the duvet up in front of me to my neck, covering my neck a little bit.

I see Jane walking in and looking at me shocked as she drops the plate and glass of water she seemed to have brought me.

I then hear her call out excited from out the bedroom and downstairs to Elijah and Blaze.

"Ah." I winced while yelling in pain as I grab my side. "Please stop yelling." I beg her.

"Sorry." She says while running back into my room quickly and throwing her arms around me.

"I was so worried for a minute. You gave all of us a scare. We weren't sure you'd make it or not." She says sounding sad.

"Well, I'm fine. I mean I have a dull pain in my side right now but I'll be fine, really." I try and reassure her.

"You better be." She laughs.

Then I see Elijah and Blaze both running into the room or should I say more like stumble in as they both get to the doorway at the same time and can't go in.

"Hey man, she's my sister." I hear Elijah tell Blaze."

"Yeah well, she's my mate, so I win." He teases as he sticks out his tongue at Elijah.

"You guys are weird." I roll my eyes playfully.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Elijah tells me as he wraps his arms around me.

"Me too. And I'm glad you guys are okay also." I smile at them.

"Well hell yeah, can't get rid of us that easily." Jane says playfully.

I start to notice that Blaze is quiet all of a sudden.

"Guys, can you give me and Blaze a minute?" I ask them.

They both nod their heads and leave closing the door behind them.

"We'll be downstairs if you need anything." Elijah says.

I nod in agreement while continuing to look at Blaze.

"Come here." I smile at him while patting  beside me on the bed.

He climbs onto the bed and sits back against the headboard while I take hold of his hand.

"You have no idea how scared I was of losing you." He begins as I hear him choking on what looks to be some tears.

"I know. But you didn't I'm still here. I'll be good as new soon." I try to reassure him.

"I know but I felt terrible for bringing you into my world and when I thought I was going to lose you I went to the Moon Goddess asking for her to take my life." He stops himself while I notice his bottom lip beginning to quiver.

I grabbed his hand and entwined our fingers together while taking my other hand and turning his head to look at me.

"I'm okay. I'm gonna BE okay too." I smile at him.

"I know." He nods his head.

"And you know what? I chose this life. You didn't force me or take me away from anything. If anything, you made my heart feel again."

He sniffles and then looks at me with a smile.

"I love you so much." He begins as he leans our foreheads together before he starts kissing me.

"And I love you too." I tell him between kisses.

Even though it's sad about his parents as I remember watching them die not too far away from me that night, but at least they died with trying to save me and Blaze along with others.

We lost many that night but the most important thing was we didn't lose each other.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) Hey guys, going to bed so I can wake up early for work. Yay! (Note the sarcasm). But any who, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the other one I posted before this one to The Alpha's Twin. I will post a chapter for each story after work and maybe even two. Also, since this one is close to being done, I will also be posting the first chapter to my newest story called, 'A Luna For Christmas'. So I love you all, sweet dreams! And will post soon later on today. :);)

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