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I crack an egg into the bowl and begin mixing It quickly, careful about Maria's tiny hands that reach for it. "So this Liza just walked in and was rude to you? For no reason? And she doesn't even know you?" My mother asks over the phone, basically repeating what is just told her.

"She wasn't rude she was just acting.. strange. Like a middle school girl planning how she's going to steal my Pokémon cards out of my locker." I sigh deeply and begin placing the cookie dough dobs on the cookie sheet, like David instructed me this morning when he was angry I never bake for him. Which was extremely rude, he should be baking for me.

"I thought Liza was supposed to be the sweetest girl." he mothers tone shows exactly how confused she is. "That's what Ana tells me."

"She is supposed to be the sweetest girl. It doesn't make any sense how they're the same person." I shake my head in disbelief at how she was acting last night. Her and David obviously have some things they need to work out, which was sort of my business since it's most likely going to interfere with my life, but I decided last night to stay out of it. Maria doesn't need all this stress around her. "So you'll watch Maria tonight? Just for an hour or so?"

"So, you're really going to a party with David?" My mother cackles making me inwardly cringe.

"Yes, mother. Is that a problem." I ask in a hard tone.

"I mean, I thought he hired you to be his nanny, not his girlfriend." She laughs and I hear a commotion in the background. "Honey, honey," my mother gets out between laughs. "How much do you want to bet she comes out of this nanny job pregnant?"

"Mom!" I shout, startling Maria who behind fussing.

"She's definitely going to." I hear my father say in a bored tone of voice, agreeing quickly with my mother.

"I am his nanny," I lean against the island and cross my arms "I mean we can be friends, right? Is there some nanny hand book I should know about? Maria will grow up calling us mom and dad, she should probably see her 'parents' having some type of interaction other than him handing me a paycheck every week." I reply, thinking deeply about why my and David should have some type of relationship even though I was still worried about us growing too close.

"Hey, I was just say-" my mother begins but I cut her off, not being interested in what she has to say.

"Just be happy you can claim a grandchild."

"I am." She says sassily. "I love that girl." I look down at Maria and place a hand on her head with a smile on my face, Maria really was a wonderful baby and I'm more than happy to be acting as her mother. "Ill watch her tonight, just promise me you'll get a little drunk. You're too tense!"

"Mom!" I exclaim into the phone and she bursts out in laughter. "I refuse to get drunk and come back to this house and be alone with him."

"Calm down, Maria will be there." She begins calming down and I shake my head as if she can see it. "Really, you need to loosen up. David will think it's hot."

"Mom! I don't care what he thinks is hot. You know what, I'll talk to you later." We exchange our goodbyes and I make my way up the stairs, the conversation with my mother drained me.

I unbuckle Maria from the baby carrier and swaddle her tightly. "There you go sweetie." I rock her in my arms and hold the bottle in her mouth and watch as she falls asleep, which happens fairly quickly. Poor baby had been fussing all day, I think she misses David.

After placing her in her crib I make my way to my room and realize that it's already five, and dinner is at 6, which meant David would be here soon to rush me and be the most annoying person on the planet.

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