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"Are you ready to go?" David peeks his head in my room and I nod, slinging my purse over my shoulder and pulling my suitcase out of my room and over to Maria's, where she cries softly. "I'll pack." I nod and give him a smile, picking up Maria and she calms slightly in my arms.

I take a moment to try and feed her but she shoves it away, so I opt for rocking her in the chair beside the crib, where we both watch David move throughout the room as he packs Maria's bag for the weekend.

"Don't forget her swimsuit." He looks at me and nods, turning quickly to grab her small ladybug swimsuit from the clear cabinets beside the closet.

We make our way into the living room, where almost everyone sat waiting for us and I take my place on the end of the couch, David sitting on the spot beside me and his hand gripping my thigh tightly, causing me to give him a small smile.

"So y'all are fucking?" Scotty asks and I roll my eyes, flipping him off. "Just a question." He defends and raises his hands.

"Of course they are. They were probably fucking since before we broke up, you think he'd just hire some random girl off the street?" Like makes a Pfft sound and turns back to the game she was playing on her phone.

I knew things seemed a little less lizaish around lately, but I found out that she spent a week in England. Which was perfect for me and David, I can't stand her being around me. And the thought of her trying to throw herself at David made me extremely uncomfortable.

"Don't forget who's house you're in." Kristen warns and Liza lifts an eyebrow.

"Oh, so you're best friends now?" She eyes Kristen who sits on Scotty's lap, her arm around his neck as he act like nothing is going on around him.

It's obvious that after me and Scotty lunch date things have been a lot better for them. They seem to pay more attention to each other. I don't actually have any idea if that was because of me and my 'advice' but I think me bringing the attention to the fact that they'd actually have to break up scared them into working whatever it is out. And I'm happy for them, Scotty deserves to be happy.

"No, but you're in her house right now. Show a little respect." She gives me a small nod and I sigh deeply, glancing up at David Who now holds Maria in his arms and rocks her gently.

The air today was depressing, and it seemed like no one wanted to get out of bed this morning. But David had wanted to touch base before we all left for the hotel for the weekend and figure out our plans like what we were going to do at night. Everyone decided on clubbing, except Zane and a guy named Noah, who offered to watch Maria while we went out. David seemed to trust them and they seemed like funny alright guys. Even though I wanted desperately to just go home to the hotel and pass out with Maria cuddled up next to me.

The first show was scheduled for one, but we woke up pretty late today. So they changed it to eight. I don't even know why I was so tired last night, but I passed out almost right after David picked up me and Maria, and we slept most of the day before going back to sleep at nine. It was weird, and I still felt slightly groggy.

"Well, if you're done being a dumb bitch I guess we can all head out." David smiles at liza who stands from her spot and makes her way to the door, flipping us both off and then kicking something out of sight.

"Don't worry about her." Trisha appears from our kitchen doorway, a bottle of water in her hand. "We're gonna have a fun weekend. I promise." She loops her arm in mine and I nod, offering her a smile.

"Cmon," David motions that it's time to leave and I nod, grabbing Maria as he carries all of my bags, the Tesla trunk already opened. Probably from him opening it for his bags.

The majority of the ride is silent, beside from Maria waking up and sobbing violently, causing me to crawl over the back seat and show her that she wasn't alone, where she fell asleep again.

When we pull up to the massive hotel im releved to see that we're the first ones there, meaning I don't have to deal with Liza, who took the fact that me and David are working things out pretty rough, I sort of felt bad.

If she realized that she messed up, there might have been a chance for her to come back into David and Maria's life, but now there's no chance of that happening. I wouldn't change anything though, David and Maria are my home now.

"Hey, need me to get anything?" David asks and swings my door open for me, pulling me from my thought.

"No." I smile and stand from my spot in passenger seat. David didn't move from his spot in front of me. Actually, he pulled me closer to him.

I smile up at him sweetly and wrap my arms around him, not wanting to ever let go. He takes my face in his hands and begins leaning in, but i want to take things slow. And before I know it, I'm turning my head and his lips meet my cheek, the same familiar sparks meeting my skin. He sighs and rests his head in my neck, obviously frustrated.

"Hey," I take his hands in mine and grip them tightly. "I'm sorry. I just want to do it slow." He nods and I lean up, placing a kiss on his cheek, which he accepts gladly.

Maria's cry rings out suddenly and I pat his chest before making my way around the car and pulling her from her seat to find that her bottle spilled all over her. "David," I call and shove the door closed, closing the trunk as I walk by and making my way towards David who stands discussing the car with the valet.

"Yes, love?" He questions once he turns to me, the valet running to the car and driving it off.

"Did you pack her tub?" I question and he shakes his head, meaning we're both going to have to give her a bath or we're going to have to go buy one.

The walk to the hotel room is quick, the elevator cutting the time in half and when we enter in toss my bag on the bed and set Maria down. The room wasn't small, but it wasn't huge. And I know that whoever manages David must have paid for it, because David didn't seem too pleased with the room.

"Do you want me to get us a suite?" He questions and begins running the water in the sink for Maria to have her bath in.

"I don't see what's wrong with this one." I chuckle. "It's fine, David." I assure him and begin undressing Maria, who fights every second of it.

"You don't want your own bed?" He motions to the single large bed in the room and I shrug, not feeling all too upset with the thought of sleeping in David's arms for a night.

"I'm not worried about it. I didn't think you'd be either."

"Of course not, love."

I carry her to the sink and David holds her in gently, making sure that she won't go under water or hit her head on the sink. He grins down at the baby and slowly rubs some shampoo In her hair, her eyes fluttering shut at the action.

My heart flutters as well as I see the man I want to be with and my child together like this, we felt like a family and I was scared we would never feel like a real one. That i would always be considered the nanny, but in this moment I knew it's different. I just don't know how different.


Hi :) coming with another early update bc I can't wait to be done with this book so you guys can see what I have planned ❗️


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