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I shove the last of my sweatshirts into my closet before falling back onto my bed with a deep sigh. The last two days in Hawaii passed by quickly, but I couldn't focus on anything besides my period not arriving yet.

David noticed too. It makes his visibly anxious but nether of us will talk about it. It been nagging me in the back on my mind for the past few days. It was there before liza brought it up, my period was late. But now that my period is officially late and I'm getting more and more anxious.

"Hey, baby," David enters my room with Maria in his arms cooing. "She missed her mamas, so did I." He smiles and takes the seat beside me.

"Hi!" Natalie smiles widely and waves to me, glancing up from her iPad quickly. She was on a little break for the past two weeks so we didn't see much of her around.

"Hey, honey." I pull Maria into my arms and press a kiss to her extremely chubby cheek. "Don't you have work to be doing tonight?" I lift an eyebrow at David.

He nods and waved Natalie out of the room. "Yes, but I wanted to see you before I left. I still have time. I know you've had a lot to think about lately." He lays back on the bed, pulling me with him.

"Are we going to talk about it?" I question and bite my lip. "David, I don't want you to fee-"

He cuts me off quickly and digs around in his pocket for a moment before pulling out a pregnancy test and placing it in my hands. "I had Natalie pick it up on the way here. I want you to be sure before we make any type of decisions about anything. Go take it, and we can talk after." I nod slowly and sit up from beside him, my eyes meeting Maria's as I do so.

She stares at me like she knows that I'm upset. Her tiny hand moves to mine as she falls on her stomach and wiggles towards me. My worries seem to melt away as I pull her to my arms and squeeze her tightly. "Hey, hey, hey," David pulls her away from me and my arms feel cold without her. "You have the rest of your life to give her hugs, princess." He kisses her cheek and the two fall into a laying position on the bed as I make my way to the bathroom that branches off of my bedroom.

The anticipation kills me as I wave the stick around trying to dry it out. A minute passes and the word pregnant appears in the small box and before I know it I'm puking up everything I ate for breakfast and sobbing.

David appears behind me in an instant and holds my hair out of the toilet. When I turn to him his eyes are glued to the small stick, his mouth wide open. "I'm sorry." I choke out. "David, I'm so sorry. I-I made a mistake. I just wanted to make you upset and feel how I felt, now I'm pregnant and I-I"

David places the test on the counter and kneels before me, placing his hand on my cheek. "Layla," he begins. "I never want to be without you again. I always hoped that when you get pregnant it'd be with my child, but this is okay too. You'll always be welcome here with me and Maria. We're yours now, and I want you to be mine forever. Will you be my girlfriend? Let's go on this adventure together."

Out of all of the responses I imagined he'd have, this wasn't one of them. And before I know it I'm crying the word yes and hanging on David like I'll die if I let go.


Riley's eyes burn into the side of my head and I glance between him and Scotty. I invited Scotty on our lunch trip so that he could make sure Riley doesnt get out of hand. Dropping the news that I don't want to be with him and that I'm with child-his child, he could react any way.

"What's going on, Layla. Why haven't you opened my messages?" He lifts an eyebrow and crosses his arms tightly over his chest. "Why is he here on our date?"

"Riley, this isnt a date." I sigh deeply and slide the test across the table. "I'm pregnant, and it's your kid." His face turns to one of confusion and then excitement and he's trying to pull me into his arms. "Riley, I can't be with you. Me and my children belong with David. But I'm willing to work with you for joint custody. But I can't raise this baby with you."

"Are you kidding me?" He kicks the chair over and I jump to my feet, Scotty shoving me behind him. Everyone in the tiny cafe turns to the three of us with horrified looks on their faces. "Layla, I refuse to let you take my child from me."

"I-I'm not! Riley, sit down and let's talk about it." He shakes his head and begins shoving his jacket on rather aggressively. "Riley, calm down."

"I'm going to get my child, Layla, I promise you." And with that he exits the cafe, slamming the door so hard I think it might shatter.

I slowly turn to Scotty with a worried look on my face to see a similar one on his.


Surprise bitches.

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