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I begin hyperventilating and pacing the bedroom floor quickly, my eyes skimming the comments section of multiple posts that have just been made and published on every social media site possible.

"David Dobrik and new girlfriend lie about EVERYTHING! Read the news here."

"David Dobrik covers up secret child and lies about being father of new beaus child"

"David Dobrik: ripping families apart."

"David Dobrik and Layla Sanchez: our favorite liars."

"Hey, hey," David appears beside me. "Calm down." He places a hand on my shoulder and begins pulling me to his chest. Before he can finish the action my phone dings and before looking I already know it's Riley.

'Looks like the secret is out, whoops.'

"Layla," David begins but he can't seem to make any comforting words come out of his mouth.

"Were gonna handle this, David can make a video and everything will be fine. You don't need to worry about it, Layla. Calm down, stressing out so much isn't good for the baby." Natalie appears beside me and places a hand on my shoulder.

"How did he find out?" I look between the three standing before me. Before anyone can say anything Maria begins crying out loudly from her crib in the corner of my room.

The sound seems to be ten times louder than it usually is, giving me an instant splitting headache. My mind swirls with what I've just done to David career, what's wrong with Maria, how I'm going to keep me and my child out of harms way and many other things.

I seem to be out of options when I start sobbing uncontrollably. I hear my phone ringing out but I can't make my hands bring it to my ear. I stand frozen in place while David slides my phone gently out of my grasp and holds it to his ear before the look on his face tells me something else is wrong, and before he can say anything I know it has to do with my father.


The ride to the hospital is quick and I rush in as fast as my legs will carry me. I can't seem to reach the room quick enough and when I do my heart breaks into a million pieces. My father lays unmoving in the hospital bed with a tube down his throat and his body hooked up to a dozen machines.

My mother stands in the corner sobbing and Ana stands beside my father's bed with a straight face. "Mom?" I make my way to her. When she looks at home her eyes are bloodshot and her face is puffy, a condition I've never seen my mother in before.

"Hey," She wipes her nose quickly and makes her way in front of me. "I-i saw what happened. It's shitty, and I'm so sorry that it's happening to you." She looks past me towards David and offers him a soft smile. "Neither of you deserve this." She sighs deeply and glances at my father. "He has a heightened risk of stroke due to one of the medications he was taking. It shouldn't be long now. They said we can pull the plug, but I can't do that-I can't. So, I'm gonna wait it out. The best we can do is pray for a miracle." I nod slowly.

Ana turns to me and shakes her head before crossing her arms. "What are you doing here?" She rolls her eyes. "Don't you have some baby daddy trouble to go take care of or something, slut?"

"You do not get to talk to me like that!" I bark. I try my hardest to contain myself but hearing such degrading things coming from my little sister-my only actual friend for as long as I can remember- pushes me past my limit. "Do not disrespect me like that again! You are an unappreciative little brat. I raised you and I gave up my entire childhood to make sure that you had what you needed. I left home to work with David so I could get you and them a better place. I do what I do for you! And if it weren't for me and David we would have buried dad weeks ago. So I made one mistake, fucking kill me. Do you not see everything falling apart for me? I don't need to add you to my list of problems."

Suddenly there's a sharp pain in my side and I groan. David's at my side in seconds with a worried look on his face. "What's wrong?" He questions nervously. "Are you okay? Do I need to go get someone?" He rushes out.

"Hey, where does it hurt?" My mother questions. "It could be something serious." He mood changes for sadness to worry in a split second and I lean slightly on David as the pain grows stronger.

"Nothing, just a cramp or something." I begin breathing heavily and feeling a little dizzy, next thing I know I'm falling into David's arms and everything is black.


"Hey guys, I'm David Dobrik. You know that. And this, this is the love of my life. Both of them, actually." I make my way next to him and take the seat on the ground, Maria in my arms cooing and waving a small rattle around. "We just got back from the hospital, there's a lot going on in our lives right now as you guys know, and its not healthy for Layla or the baby." He slides an arm around my waist and pulls me closer to his side. "I like to share every aspect of my life with you guys, from what I eat to what I do and what I wear. That's my life. But there's some things that I needed to keep from you. One of them being the most important person in my life, my daughter." He reaches over and takes Maria from my arms. "I'm not going to explain what happened or why it happened, but Maria is one hundred percent my daughter. She's not blood related in any way to Layla, and I am so sorry for keeping her from you guys. The reaction we're getting now is what I wanted to avoid." I nod slowly and look at the ground. "But, Layla is the only mother she's ever known, and she will continue to be her mother for as long as she wants. Layla does more for me than I could have ever asked, including making me the happiest guy on the planet." He quickly places a kiss on my cheek.

"That leads me to this little guy." I place a hand on my stomach, David rubbing my back comfortingly. "David is not the blood father of my child, but he will be the dad to my baby. I've offered to give joint custody to the father and as you can see he hasn't taken to it well. He's threatened me and my family and David. And said he's going to do whatever it takes to get my baby from me. But my child belongs with me and David, and I'm not letting someone tear us apart. Maria and David are my family now." I smile over at him to see him tearing up.

"It's sad that we have to address this. This has been one of the hardest days for me and Layla. She should not be this stressed out. And it's putting the baby's life in danger." He shakes his head slowly. "Now that you guys know the truth about the whole situation I hope you can be more accepting of the fact that I need privacy once in awhile too. These are the most important things to me and I hope you can all see that I kept it from you for a reason."


Hi I'm upsetti.

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