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"Maria's finally asleep," I say and make my way into the living room, where Trisha sits holding a bottle of wine and shaking it in my direction, doing a dance to show that she's already tipsy. "How irresponsible would I be to drink while Maria's here?" I lift an eyebrow and take the seat next to her with a chuckle.

"Well, I mean, she's asleep, and I don't want to get drunk just a little tipsy. That's alright, right? David won't be mad, Will he? No. He won't." I roll my eyes at her stupid battle with herself and decide that I might as well have fun while I can and get slightly tipsy, who knows if Maria will ever let me sleep alone again.

I sigh and take the glass from her hand, which is only slightly filled up and take a sip of the sour liquid.

"So," I begin and lean back into the couch. "John." She turns to me with a smirk plastered on her face.

"Are y'all fucking?" Trisha questions bluntly.

"What?!" I exclaim.  "No!" She begins laughing like a mad man.

"What about John?" Her chuckles subside as she down the rest of her wine and immediately pours herself another with a grin.

"I haven't even met him yet. I thought David said he was supposed to be at the party, but he wasn't?" She nods her head and takes in my every word, her face showing that she's already got her response ready before I can even finish talking.

"He's been around a little more recently. He's supposed to be the surprise guest at this Chicago event, but I doubt that anyone will be surprised. These fans are smart. He flew out about a week ago to spend some time with some friends, I think. He's flying back with David." I lift an eyebrow and let a grin make its way to my face.

"Johns hot. He's like 60, but let me tell you-" before I can continue she fakes a gag and holds out her hands in protest.

"Don't bring that talk around David, he hates the thought of you with any of his friends. He talks about it all the time when you're not around." I choke on my saliva, which I didn't think was possible, and nearly spill my drink on David's white couch.

"You're joking." She shakes her head and pats my back, even though I stopped coughing a good 30 seconds ago. "David an ass. Until he tells me that to my face, I'll fuck whoever I want." She giggles at my words and nods slowly, winking.

"Sure you will."

"Yeah. I will. David doesn't control who I fuck and who I don't," I say and sip the drink.

But that was incorrect. If David didn't want me to be with someone then I couldn't be. For sake of Maria, and David and i's friendship. Especially if it was one of his friends.

"So, What happened with Alex? Why's he act so weird around you?" I sigh deeply and throw my head on the back of the couch, Alex being the last thing I'm worried about.

"Is this going to be a night filled with talking about the boys?" She shrugs and ignores me, continuing staring at me and expecting an answer.

"I see how he looks at you." I begin to pick up the toys that littered the large white themed living room and place them in the beautiful toy chest. It sort of prevented me from having to answer Trisha's stupid question for a few moments longer.

"And how is that?" I shake my head with a chuckle, and continue picking up stray diapers and wipes, shoving them back into the diaper bag.

"The same way David tries to sneakily look at you." I glance up at her and nod, her statement making sense.

"Alex creepily checks me out and makes it uncomfortable. David does it in secret, that was I can ignore it and we can both act like it never happened."

"If you say so, I know a look when I see one. And in this case, there's two. And it's not just because you're hot as fuck." I take my place beside her and watch as she downs the rest of her glass again and immediately pours another one.

"So, you're famous for eating food?" I say slowly, trying to not offend her.

"Uh, yeah. I guess you could put it like that. I think I've gotten so many followers because I've been doing it so long, and hanging out with the boys kinda helped I guess." I nod and sip some more of the small bit of wine I have left. But she's right, my sister didn't even know who she was until the news of Trisha and Jason broke. "How are you doing? I know that babies are a lot of work."

"Alright. I've been watching my sister since she was a baby and I was small. But this is the first time without David being here, but I think I'll be fine. She's a good baby." I smile at the thought of Maria, and nod for extra clarification on my statement. Being her mother was like a dream, and I never wanted to wake up from it. I lucked out with meeting David that night and I couldn't be happier about it.

"Yeah, she's something else. You know, her mother was gorgeous." She points the tip of her drink at me.

"You met her mother?" She nods.

"When David and Liza broke up a while back because Liza was too busy, me, David, and Jason took a trip to Vegas. David blew out his frustration in thousands of dollars, then he met Alexandria. And it seemed like they were a good match." I nod, taking in all the information. Having already heard some of the story from David most of this didn't surprise me. Except to finally learn her name. Alexandria.

"It was a one night stand?" I ask for clarification, even though David had no reason to lie to me about any of it.

"It was. But it was weird. More of a two night stand. Like the type where she joins us for breakfast in the morning type of weird. But I'm not complaining. She was wonderful to be around. Great personality, very bright. But when we left David and Liza were back together almost instantly and we never spoke of her again. You remind me of her, maybe that's why David wants you to raise Maria." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. David has never mentioned anything about the two of us being somewhat similar, but that most likely what contributed to him trusting me so quickly.

"Wait what?"

"You guys have almost the exact same personality. You and David always play arguing. Now that I think of it you guys look sorta similar. I mean not like secret sister similar, but like same ethnicity and background similar. Same hair length, eyebrow shape. Same eyes," I nod and bite my lip, thinking deeply about what this could possible mean about David hiring me and how I would approach him about it. "But, I'm glad you're around. David was so stressed before you came to help with her."

"He still seems stressed." i sigh, letting the situation go for now while I focus on having some girl time with Trisha.

"Trust me, you've taken a weight off of his shoulder." My phone begins vibrating and I lift it to see that David wants to FaceTime. "Answer him. He'll be upset if you don't."

"Yes, David?" I question into the phone after I answer his call.

"Where's my daughter?" He asks in a bored tone, holding the phone unnecessarily close to his face, showing only his nose and his eyes.

"I'm not good enough for you?" Question in a fake hurt tone as I begin making my way upstairs.

"Hey, you look nice tonight!" He shouts, causing me to roll my eyes at his childish behavior.

"Are you drunk?" I raise an eyebrow and he shrugs in response

"Maybe." He pauses. "Are you!?" I make a thin line with my lips and before I can answer he shakes the phone, accidentally dropping it in the process.

"I don't care, where's my baby? I miss hers." He whines loudly and in the back I can hear Scotty telling him to shut the fuck up, which David replies with the exact same words.

Flipping on the lights in the nursery I point my phone screen at Maria, who sleeps peacefully in her swaddle. "My princess." He sighs happily and I quietly exit the room, flicking the light off and closing the door once again.

After staring at the screen for a few moments he lets out a breath and smiles widely. "Goodnight Layla. Call me in the morning."

"Goodnight David."


This is just to add a little more background about Maria's mom :)

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