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"What's your name, sweetheart." The extremely large and attractive man who's lap I'm currently sitting on whispers in my ear. His name is Riley but it keeps slipping my mind.

"Layla." I reply with a smirk. "My names Layla, but you can call me baby." He lifts an eyebrow and nods slowly, tilting his head back and letting the beer roll out of the glass bottle and into his mouth. An action that he did so effortlessly but it looks so attractive. I can't tear my eyes away.

"Baby, you're staring." I look away and bring the cup to my lips, biting the rim out of habit. A strong hand is placed over mine and the cup is slowly moved from my lips. "Tell me about you." He instructs. I can't help but furrow my eyebrows.

"What?" I stammer. "We're just gonna fuck, right? That's not a we're just gonna fuck question." I scrunch up my nose slight out of confusion but he lets out a laugh and places a gentle kiss on my nose.

"If that's what you want. You look like the type of girl I'd want to bring home and keep home." He shrugs his shoulders and I sigh deeply, my shoulders slouching slightly.

It's been about an hour since I had my last drink and was really drunk, so my mind is clear and I can think properly. I know that I want to sleep with this beautiful man, but do I want anything more than that? Probably not.

I want to be with David. I want us to be happy with Maria and be a family. But he took that away from me. It's probably better to start dating again as soon as possible. But of course I haven't done anything but talk to this man yet and he's already made what he wants clear.

The best way to handle this situation is to just sleep with him and see what happens when we wake up. I can handle it from there. I told David I was gonna have a fun lit night and I refuse to do the opposite and spend the night worrying.

"Honestly," I wrap my arms around his neck and let my lips graze his ear. His large arms tighten around me slightly. "I'm ready to go when you are." He pulls me closer to him and bites my neck. It doesn't hurt, instead it makes me want him even more than I already did.

"You don't wanna drink or something first, princess?" He questions and I nod slowly realizing that I do wanna drink. I never have time anymore since I live the mom life.

Grabbing his hand, I wrap his arm around my shoulder and pull him into the kitchen where everyone sits and David looks like he's going to fight someone.

"You know she sucked my dick the other night." David winks at me and I roll my eyes and take the open seat next to Scotty. He grins at me and I take the drink from his hand, downing it quickly.

"Were gonna head out." I announce and rip my jacket out of davids hands. "I'll see you tomorrow." I give David a look and he rolls his eyes, nodding.

"What?" Riley asks and pulls my waist to his side. "Will you?" He lifts an eyebrow and I nod and tug my lip with my teeth lightly.

"She does need to be home to take care of our daughter." David replies before I can.

Everyone at the table stays silent and their eyes move quickly between us. Even Liza doesn't speak as she takes a very long and slow sip of her drink.

I'm faced with an important decision. To lie or tell the truth. But no matter how hot this guy is that doesn't make him trustworthy. He could tell everyone everything and David would hate me.

"You're a mom?" Riley questions and I nod slowly, letting out a deep breath.

"Can we go?" I question and he nods, pulling me by my hand out the door.

Riley stays mostly quiet for the beginning of the ride but there's a point where the alcohol kicked in and it makes me extremely uncomfortable.

Reaching over I place a hand on his thigh and smile widely. "What's on your mind?"

"Nothing, baby." He tilts his head slightly before reaching down and gripping my hand tightly. "You have a child with David dobrik?" I nod slowly and rest my head on the side of the seat.

"It's sort of a difficult situation. She isn't davids but he's all she's known as a dad. We aren't together but I don't have a place to go so we stay with David. He's extremely helpful. I wont tear our family apart. She doesn't deserve that." He doesn't reply for a moment and I take the second to pull out my phone and see a few texts from my mom. The screen is slightly hard to focus on due to the alcohol racing through my system but I manage to make out the texts.

'David called. I'm keeping Maria for the night, he sounded upset. Not like I care or anything. Have fun love!' It was followed with a picture of Maria and Ana laying on my parents bed cuddled together and I can't help the smile to spread across my face.

The two girls together looking so happy is such an amazing thing and it warms my heart that Maria will get to experience something like a sister. Everyone should have someone to look up to and I couldn't be happier that it's my little sister.

"Is that her?" He questions and glances over my shoulder at my phone and I nod quickly and zoom in on the beautiful little face. "She's beautiful, really. She looks just like you." I nod and lock my phone, placing it in my purse.

Within the next ten minutes I find myself tangled in the sheets of Riley's bed and I'm thrown into a night of pure lust, and I find myself glad that it's with Riley.


Hi, I haven't had much time to write lately but I hope you like this chapter. I want to make Riley a sort of more permanent character, not to give anything away but you might be seeing a lot of him around

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