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"What are you going to do today?" David asks me with slight annoyance in his voice as he continues to dress Maria in a cute red dress.

"I was gonna go to your show then to the beach with the girls." I slowly close the magazine in my hands. "You're going scuba diving, right?" I lift an eyebrow and slide my arms into the sweatshirt he left laying on the edge of his bed. "Maybe I'll go with you." I take the spot on the bed beside Maria.

"Maybe you will, Maybe you won't." He takes her into his arms the sits in the seat beside the bed, something clearly wrong with him.

"What's going on with you, you've been acting like this all morning. Did you not have a good time last night?" I cross my arms tightly over my chest. "Did I do something?" I question.

"You didn't block Riley the second you forgave me and I had to stare at him blowing up your phone all morning. You think I like looking at someone texting the girl I'm in love with a million times about how he misses her body and can't wait to feel her skin? I'm the only one who should be feeling your skin." He rolls his eyes and places a bottle in Maria's mouth.

"I haven't texted him back yet. I haven't even looked at his messages." My eyebrows furrow together as I watch davids face for any sign of a mood change. "Me and you aren't together. Neither are me and Riley."

"But you know I want to be with you. You know how badly I want you, Layla." His eyes meet mine and I can see how much the situation is hurting him. "I won't rush you into anything, I refuse to make you do anything you're uncomfortable with. But I want you, and Riley disgusts me."

I pinch the bridge of my nose to try and relieve some stress but it doesn't seem to work, even when I squeeze my eyes shut. "Hey," I feel davids hand on my back and I open my eyes to see him sitting beside me with Maria sleeping peacefully in her bed.

"She's sleeping." I chuckle before bringing my fingers to my temples.

"Sorry, I just have no idea what to do in this situation. I have no idea where your mind is after last night."

Without thinking it through I quickly decide the best thing to do is to smash my lips onto his. He's obviously shocked but he doesnt pull away as we fall back onto his bed.

We stay like that for awhile and I realize that davids arms are the only ones I want to be in again. "Layla," he mumbles against my lips as I begin to slide off his sweatshirt I just put on. "Layla." He repeats and pulls the hem of the sweatshirt back down.

"Lock the door." I look into his eyes. His search mine for a moment and I'm not quite sure what he's looking for.

"Layla, I don't think w-" I lift an eyebrow and cross my arms tightly over my chest, still sitting in the straddling position.

"What, David?" I cant stop the tears from welling in my eyes. "I don't know what to do." His looks turns to one of concern as he pulls me to his chest and holds me tightly. "I want to be with you David." He nods slowly and places a kiss on the top of my head.

"I want you to be able to do this while you trust me. Our first time will be special, I promise." He assures me.


"How was your morning?" Scotty asks me and throws an arm around my shoulder.

"Leave her alone, you can clearly see her eyes are red." Trisha throws a peanut at him from her place on the couch across from us where she holds a giggling Maria. We watch David on stage from the dressing room tv.

"It's fine." I sigh deeply and let my head fall backwards. "I don't know, I'm upset or something. I'm not really sure anymore. I have no clue how David handles my mood swings. It's like I'm pmsing forever." I shrug it off and turn back to Scotty. "How was you guys morning, I felt bad I wasn't invited to breakfast." I nudge his side and throw the peanut back at Trisha.

"You were sleeping and David didn't want us to wake you. But we're going to dinner tonight, we weren't going to tell you until later but I guess now works as well." Trisha grins.

"I don't know. I feel a little bad right now, I guess the beach might make me feel better." I sigh deeply and watch Maria as she grips Trisha's finger tightly and waves it around. Seeing her happy lifts my mood slightly and I already begin to feel less down.

"We should sign up for one of those shark cage things!" Scotty suggests. "Doesn't that sound like fun!?" He questions.

"No!" I laugh. "Haven't you seem 47 meters down? Are you insane?" I gape.

"What are the chances of that happening? Like one in a million?" He waves it off.

"I think it'd be fun!" Trisha exclaims. "If you really don't want to do that we could swim with dolphins or something. Do they do that here? Davids rich, he can just buy you all the dolphins." I can't help but laugh at the weird turn that the conversation had.

Swimming with dolphins sounds extremely fun but swimming with sharks sounds like it'd be a good adrenaline thing. Maybe that would be fun as well, after it happens.

"I think that we should do something fun and different, just to switch things up, you know?" Trisha smiles widely. "Don't you think, Layla?" She questions.

I nod with a soft smile and relax in my seat. "Everything will be fine, Layla. When you're upset everyone is upset." Scotty nudges my shoulder and makes his way to the fridge in the corner of the room.



I'll try to update more often, things has just been hard for me lately. Normal sad egirl things you know. Anyways, enjoy this.

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