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"Hey." I greet David and he pulls me into a quick hug before gently shoving me the the side so he can basically rip Maria from her seat and shower her in kisses.

"Princess." He sighs in relief and holds her to his chest as if she'll vanish from his grip. "Daddy's home." She relaxes in his arms and lets him hold her tightly, even though she's been crying almost all night and day. I felt terrible during the night because she just wouldn't let me put her down, I can only imagine how she's feeling right now.

"Hey, honey!" Scotty spins me to face him and pulls me into a hug.

"Oh.." I chuckle. "Hey scotty. You're not acting weird at all." I raise an eyebrow and hug him back gently, Kristen standing two feet away from me and not attempting to kill me making me slightly nervous.

"We should talk later." He grins down at me. "Yeah, were gonna do that." He assure me and pats me shoulder before making his way to a chair a small ways away from me, only for Trisha to take his place.

"Look!" She points "there's John." And just like she said, I turn to my side to see John stamos walking directly towards me, a smirk plastered on his face.

"So, you must be Layla. You're so much prettier than David said! And he speaks very highly of you, my dear." John says and his hand twirls a piece of my hair resting on my shoulder. "I've waiting to meet you for awhile now." He sighs in disappointment and it takes a moment longer for me to process that John stamos is actually standing right in front of me.

"You're John. Y-ours John stamos." I smile widely and begin to pull him into a hug only for David to place himself between the two of us with a scowl on his face.

"Leave her alone, you old fuck. I said you can't touch her." He stares John down and John laughs in response to David's hard glare.

"Want her all to yourself?" He lifts an eyebrow and I shift awkwardly between the two who seem to be having a silent argument over me.

"She's raising my child." David says through gritted teeth and I roll my eyes at the childish behavior and grab David's wrist, pulling him towards the exit with Maria's seat in my hand.

"You're a real asshole." I cross my arms over my chest and throw a angry look at david, breaking the silence that fell over the car as soon as we entered it.

"I don't want you talking to him." He instructs.

"You don't want me talking to anyone." I turn away from him and look out of he window with an angry look on my face.

"You're right. I don't. Because you don't need anyone but me, honey. Me and Maria." He pats my shoulder and I flip him off.

"Suck my dick, David. You conceited arrogant asshole. I could have got it in! With John Stamos!" I motion behind us and he shrugs in response. "You can't control me forever, David." He offers me a smirk.

"You wanna bet?"


"How'd you get out of the house? David was pretty mad at you and John." Scotty lifts his eyebrow as we walk down the side walk and let's a melodic laugh edit his mouth.

It was a beautiful day, and as much as I wanted to spend it outside with David and Maria doing some family activity I was angry at David for not letting me talk to John. So instead i called up Scotty and asked what he wanted. So he told me that we would get lunch, so that's what we're doing.

David was livid currently, and I can assure you that he's doing something stupid to try and get back at me. But I didn't really care, nothing he could do would make me angry.

But as much I wanted to sleep with John it made me feel slightly nice that David was so territorial about me. But I still firmly believe that me and him shouldn't get any closer than we are and if he feels any different then he should try and talk it out, not be a massive cockblock.

"David is probably trashing my room as were speaking, but, if he wanted to be here to 'supervise' he could have said something. He's too busy giving me the silent treatment though." I roll my eyes and Scotty chuckles, shoving his hands in his pocket. "What did you wanna talk about?" I ask as we take a seat outside a small cafe on one of the main streets.

"I wanted to talk about Kristen." He gives me a pleading look, but I can't help but laugh.

"Why don't you ask Liza, they're like best friends." I shake my head and continue chuckling as I think about Liza. Such a silly girl. Extremely jealous of me, and I'm okay with that.

"I can't stand being around her for more than three minutes. Everything's about hating you and loving David. It's sickening." Scotty rubs his temples aggressively and I take in his slightly rugged appearance. His eyes were a little red, his hair was everywhere and his outfit was sloppily put together, something you really don't see from Scotty.

"Okay.." I trail off momentarily. "What about David? He's your best friend." I point out and he rolls his eyes at me as if I've gone insane.

"David's obsessed with Maria and when he's not talking about her he's talking about you. It's not a bad thing..." he pauses. "I just wish that we had some bro time like we used to, you know? I wish that Kristen didn't think I just want to dick her down 24/7. I mean itd be fun but i could do that with a lot of different women with much less yelling."

"Is it that bad?" I lift an eyebrow and he glances into my eyes with a nod.

"I can't fucking sleep, I can't eat, I can't work, I can't do anything without her yelling about being unappreciated and storming out of the room. We were never like this, what changed?" He questions and slouches back in his seat.

"Scotty.." I chuckle. "Have you taken the time to sit down and listen to her? Hear her out?" He looks up at the sky with a deep sigh.

"She won't talk when I tell her to. She just cries." I set my clutch on the table and cross my arms over my chest. I can't help but feel bad about how this is effecting Scotty but he brought it on himself by neglecting her.

"The way I see it you have a few choices. But that's just how I see it." He sits up a little straighter, giving me his undivided attention.


"Well.." I begin and try to think of a proper way to word how I felt. "I think that this is a very common problem in couples. You're both busy, you're obviously on a tight schedule. Traveling is putting stress on both of you. You're never fully there unless you're in bed together." He gives me a sad nod and urges me to continue with a wave of his hands. "There's a few options. Clear some time on your schedule and sit down and talk about it. Be more open with her and make her feel like you care."

"Lay, my schedule is insane. I can't even be here right now." I nod understandingly. I knew that David schedule was crazy and him and Scotty do the same thing so his must be equally as wild. Not to mention the stuff they have to do together like getting footage and making appearances. Their life is hectic beyond my comprehension. Kristen being an influencer too meant that hers was also wild.

"Go see a couple counselor. But knowing Kristen she won't be more comfortable talking to someone she doesn't know. But that's just an option." I offer and he nods slowly. "The last one is that you guys can take some time apart." He sinks slightly in his seat and I give him a sorry look. I didn't bond with him like David so I didn't feel terrible. But I hated that he felt bad and this was all I could do to help, and this last option was the one he was avoiding. "You've been doing this together so long, maybe it's not your time. You need to talk it out and see what's best though, I don't like seeing you so upset." He gives me an upset nod and I offer him a smile, hoping u gave him what he wanted.


Hi idk about this chapter but I hope you enjoyed.

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