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i'm wet. layla thought as her eyes flew open. a chuckle escaped her mouth quickly as she thought of it in a dirty way, she couldn't help it. she spent so much time with the boys her mind was constantly in the gutter.

it took her a second to actually realize what was going and then it dawned on her. she was going into labor. "david!" her voice shakes as she reaches over and shakes him abruptly, his eyes flying open in seconds and he's sitting straight up.

"what? what's going on?!" he questions and looks around. he looks down between the two and finds that the sheets are covered in moisture. "the baby's coming." his face pales and layla nods quickly.

knowing exactly how to handle this, david hops up and flicks the lights on. he makes his way into the bathroom and grabs a few towels, bringing them to layla, who continues sobbing on the bed. "it's okay, baby." he assures her and places a kiss on her forehead and taking her hands in his own.

"i'm scared." she admits and her hand makes its way to her stomach and rubs it gently. "david i'm so scared. it's gonna hurt. it's gonna hurt so bad." her breathing becomes jagged and she feels like her lungs are collapsing.

"hey, hey. it's okay. i promise. breathe. we're gonna meet our baby soon. it's exciting." she nods slowly and slimes up at him.

within a matter of ten minutes david had maria in her car seat in the back of the tesla, layla sitting in the front seat of the car talking to scotty, and the baby's bag in the back.

"will you be there?" she asks as david enters the car, his hand resting on her thigh as he backs out of the driveway. "i need you there." she takes a deep breath.

"i'm coming right now. i'll meet you at the hospital." she mutters a quick thank you and hangs up the phone. she didn't bother calling any of her family because she heard david talking to them when she was having her mental breakdown on the bed.

"baby, baby's coming." he grins widely and his smile is contagious as one spreads across her face as well. "it won't be long now." he smiles. his eyes leave the road momentarily.

before either of them can comprehend what's happening they see two bright lights before everything goes black.


"i need her to wake up!" layla hears. she recognizes the voice to be david's. "the baby needs to come!" he shouts. she wants to pull him close and she wants him to hold her and tell her she's alright. her eyes refuse to open as david's sobs get clearer and clearer. "please. please help her."

"we're doing everything we can. we won't know if the baby is okay until we do an emergency c-section. and we can't do that until she's awake. there's a heartbeat, and that's all that matters."

"d-david?" laylas mouth opens slightly and she begins coughing violently, her throat almost dried shut.

her entire body hurt when she coughed and she couldn't move any of her limbs. she was weak. but the slight moving she felt in her stomach soothed her worry slightly. knowing that the life growing inside her was still okay was a massive relief.

"she's awake!" david says loudly and laylas eyes finally open. she sees david at her side holding her hand tightly and her mother and her sister and father sitting in the chairs in the corner. scotty and trisha and natalie were also there. "thank god. i was so so scared. i didn't know what to do! i thought i lost you! i- i thought we lost our baby. and i thought we lost maria. i-i don't know what happened." he rushed out. layla gathered all the strength she could and used her left hand to pull him into a tight embrace. her right one wouldn't move, and shen she glanced at the arm she found that it was in a white cast until above the elbow. glancing down she also saw one of her legs tightly bound. "now that you're awake, it's time. we need to get the baby out as soon as possible to see if there's any damage." he grips her hand tightly, his eyes never leaving hers.

with everything going on laylas mind was clouded. she still wasn't sure how they got into the accident, and she didn't see maria anywhere. was she hurt? is she okay? why is david with her and not his daughter?

questions continue to swirl around her mind and she nods slowly. they knew the baby was alive but she needed to know if it was okay. "i-i'm ready."


a whirlwind of things happen directly after the removal of the baby. multiple people were yelling and scrambling around the room as all of it smacked her in the face. she was so numb that she couldn't fully comprehend it but when she heard the words "she's not breathing." her heart broke into a million pieces. she lay on the table sobbing with david doing the same as he held her hand tightly.

they sat like that for 6 minutes. they sat crying and sobbing and began going into mourning. the blessing they waited so long for was ripped from them in an instant. laylas world went foggy grey as she wished she were dead. she wondered why she got to live and her baby didn't.

she sat wondering and sobbing for what felt like a whole eternity until the loud cry rang out. she was alive.

"i-i want to s-see her." layla struggled to get out. she could hardly turn her head to see the baby being held upside down as the doctors work together to make sure the little one could get air."

"it's okay." david breathes out. "she's okay."

a few minutes pass and layla struggles to keep her eyes open. the medication she was on to stay numb while they ripped her insides from her body were working great, almost too great.

the joy that overcame her as the baby was placed beside her head was something she never experienced. she felt pure happiness as she stared over at the child that she grew for nine months. "she's so beautiful." david grins widely, admiring the child along with layla.

as soon as david saw her she knew that she was his. she wasn't his, but that was his daughter. he felt the need to protect her and make sure that she never hurt or wanted for anything. his heart felt full as he stared down at her. she had laylas nose and her lips. a full head of brown hair that was pin straight, but he assumed it'd get curly with time.

he looked down at the the two girls. he was in love. the three most important girls in his life had him forever. they had his entire heart.

"ah-she's perfect. she's so perfect." layla places a gentle kiss on the side of the small child's head and she grins widely up at david in her high state. "we're so lucky. we have the most beautiful babies in the world." david nods in agreement, his smile reaching both of his ears.

"i'm so proud of you. you did so good." he kisses her forehead repeatedly.


hi. this is sort of weird since i've just recently started writing in third person. but, i was wondering if you'd prefer it like this or just one pov for the last few chapters. also, sorry for such a late update. i suck i know.

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