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"Layla, you're not thinking straight. You need to calm down and rethink your decision." David pleads as I continue to pack the clothing items I brought to the house with me in my suitcase.

I don't plan on quitting the nanny job. Of course I haven't told that to David. I want him to feel as bad as possible about what he did to me. And I can't risk my family's home and my father's medical bills.

"Layla, are you listening to me?" He places a hand on my shoulder for a moment and I roll resist the urge to punch him in his face.

"No. I'm not." I reply simply and continue packing my things. "I figure that listening to you is pointless. What are you going to tell me that I don't know already? That you're sorry and that you didn't mean to sleep with her but somehow your dick slipped? Not a valid excuse for hurting me David. And hurting my family." I turn to him and shove his hand off my shoulder. His face shows a mixture of feelings and i feel bad momentarily. "you're the one who wanted us to have these experiences as a family you asshole. I hope you're happy with yourself." he grows visibly more upset extremely quickly and I wanna cry suddenly.

Seeing David upset is low key a weak spot for me. And I wanna hold him and him to hold me. And us to be able to spend time as a family with Maria and not as coworkers. But David's taken that away from me.

"I didn't mean to do it. I never meant to do anything. She knows that her mental health has been a weak spot of mine for so long, and she convinced me to drink with her and I don't remember most of the night. I'm sorry." He sits on the end of my bed and I nod slowly, but it doesn't change a thing. He still did something he shouldn't have done and nothing can take the image of him naked in Liza's bed out of my head.

"Ill stay." I mumble. He's on his feet in seconds and the look on his face is pure happiness as he pulls me into his arms.

"Thank you. I don't want to ever be without you." He breathes and I muster up ever inch of pride I have and shove him off of me.

"Not for you." I admit and cross my arms tightly over my chest. "Maria needs a mom. And I need my father's medical bills paid and my family to have a home." I admit and his face drops slightly and he thinks for a moment before taking a seat on my bed again.

"Layla.. I would never let your family go without a home or your father to not be able to get the treatment he needs. They're my family now and Ana. And they're Maria's." He explains and I make a thin line with my lips before shaking my head.

"They're not your family anymore." I say quietly.

By the look on his face I can tell that he's finally registered that there might not be a way to come back from this. That I don't want to be with him now and possibly never again.

The look makes me wanna throw up all over. David makes me extremely happy and I haven't been happy with someone like that in years. Leaving him is hard, but completely exiting his and Maria's life would be even harder and I'm not that strong.


The day drags on and I spend most of it with Maria in my bedroom. She's easily distracted at this point so it was nice to spend a nice calm evening without David begging me to take him back. Just me and my girl.

I notice a few changes in her since the first time we met. Her hair is a little longer, her eyes are slightly darker and a few shiny teeth have made an appearance in her mouth. She continues to grow into the spitting image of David more and more each day.

With a deep sigh I glance at my phone to find that it's about nine at night. Which means that david will be coming home any minute now with dinner.

I ignore that and pull out the same suitcase from earlier and begin shoving a few clothing items in it. The trip to Hawaii is in a few days and David made it very clear that he still wants us to go. He wants us to have this experience together as a group of three and put on the act that we're happy for his fans.

But that can't last forever. Something will happen again and I'm sure it'll have to do with Liza. I've done almost nothing to her and she had to sleep with my man. I would retaliate but something tell me that me just showing up that day was retaliating enough.

"Knock knock." I hear and the door opens quickly, revealing David I'm the doorway holding a bag of Taco Bell and a few Baja blasts, Alex and his girlfriend trailing behind.

"Hi, Layla." Emily greets me with a tight hug.

Emily is the sweetest girl I've ever met and it amazes me each day that Alex could ever be with someone like her. She's extremely pure and how she lasts in that house is a mystery to everyone.

"You look really nice today." She grins widely before moving towards Maria and lifting her into her arms.

"Thank you." I reply and lift an eyebrow.

David's presence makes me slightly uncomfortable, but I feel the need to kind of show that it didn't effect me as much as he thinks so before I know it I'm calling out Alex's name.

"Yes, Layla?" He turn to me and gives me his full attention, I also get davids and Emily's as well.

"Are you having any parties or are there any parties going on before we leave? I'm trying this thing where I'm more outgoing and open you know?" He nods slowly and looks between me and David but davids too busy burning holes into the side of my head to notice or to care.

"What the hell are you talking about." He locks his phone quickly and tosses it beside him, his arms crossed tightly over his chest.

"Shut the hell up. Alex, answer me please." I grin widely.

"Uh.." he trails off before nodding slowly. "Yeah, tomorrow night. At the house. Sort of a celebratory you're going to Hawaii type of deal, you know?" I nod with a smile and look at Emily, who eyes the three of us with a weird look.

"Emily, will you be my date?" I question and and nods quickly, a smile spreading across her face as she bounces in her place with Maria in her hands clapping at the action.

"Great, I'll see you at nine."


Hi. This is my fifth time rewriting this chapter. I had the story planned out but lost all of the plans so this is completely off the top of my head. I'm gonna try to plan some out the next couple days but who knows, I might free hand a really good chapter tomorrow and post it. Enjoy!

ALSO huUGE thanks to everyone reading a voting!!! It's insane how quickly this story is growing and I couldn't be any more thankful. Ily :)

Ps. If anyone wants to be friends I'm lonely so let me know hehhee. This is such a good way to meet new people hehehe

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