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"My head hurts so bad." I groan and lay my head on David's shoulder, pulling the throw blanket over my legs which were snug against my chest in an attempt to get comfortable on my parents shitty couch.

My parents had told us that they wanted to cook lunch for us, and I would have declined but I wasn't prepared to be taking care of Maria alone yet, not with my massive hangover. David was going to be working through the night so I wanted to take every chance I could for him to watch her today. 

"You drank quite a bit, Lay." He chuckles and I close my eyes, only for two soft hands to be placed on my cheeks. "Give mamas some lovins, love." I open my eyes to find Maria's bright orbs directly in front of my face, a tired smile present as she stares at me like I'm the only thing in the world.

"I need to sleep, baby." I take her in my arms and hold her to my chest, her eyes fluttering shut almost immediately. I try to do the same but I'm interrupted by my parents door swinging open and Ana, my mother, and my father piling in the small living room with wide grins on their faces.

"Hi, mi princess." My father shoves David away from me, causing my head to fall and him to gently set it on his shoulder. "I miss you, honey." He kisses my forehead and I smile up at him to find love and admiration all over his face.

"I miss you too, dad." I grin and cuddle into his side, completely ignoring David who takes his place on the other side of me with a agitated look, his hand resting on my leg underneath the blanket.

I've only been awake for maybe 2 hours so far. I remember everything me and David talked about, and I refused to acknowledge it until I understood my own feelings. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't want to sort of be with david, but everything is happening so quickly. I need time to think it though and consider how all of this will effect me and David's friendship and Maria. She's the most important factor in this and I think we may have forgotten it for a moment. She's what brought us together and she could very well be the thing that takes us apart. But if she does then it's for the best, her needs come before the both of us.

Once we're together there's no coming back from it. We can't just be friends, we can't do that. I need to consider every possible factor.

My family moves out in two days and if me and David are together, then we're not, who knows whatll happen to them. They would be homeless. I can't do that too my family. I'd rather me and David feel like this silently than put my entire family out of a house.

"How are you, angel?" My father questions and rests his head on mine.

"I'm good, dad. We're good." I snuggle Maria a little closer and my father pulls the both of us into his arms.

Ive forgotten how nice it felt to be home with my family. I forgot how it felt to be comforted by my father, the most important man in my life. My love for him trumps most and I could never do anything he disapproves of.

"When are you going to stay with us, hun?" I sigh deeply and turn to David, who shrugs in response and throws the arm that doesn't have a firm grip on my thigh over Anas shoulder and the two go into a trance at the current episode of American horror story playing on the television.

"Me and baby will stay the night when you guys are moved in." He grins widely and shows off his perfect smile.



"She's finally taking a nap." I lazily make my way down the two small steps leading into the living room where David sits on the far end of the couch, most of his attention on his phone.

"Is that the best idea? Its 7. She'll be up all night if she gets up and you need to rest." He looks at my our of the corner of his eye and I take the seat next to him, sprawling out over the couch.

"I honestly don't care anymore. Can you just bring me something really greasy and disgusting for lunch, a burger sounds so good right now." He laughs loudly and throws his arm over my shoulder, turning his attention to the massive television in front of us.

"Of course I will. If that's what you want." He shakes his head with a chuckle and it's music to my ears. I can't help but notice my growing attraction to him and every tiny thing he does. Like when he runs a hand through his hair or when he gets slightly frustrated and his eyes do that upset thing that makes me was to fall over and die.

Thinking it through my feelings for David are a little stronger than I thought. But either way I haven't thought other things through yet and i can't act on my feelings until I do.

"You're staring." He snaps me out of my thoughts and I cough awkwardly, turning away from him and facing the tv.

"Wasn't much to stare at." I scratch my head and his hand squeezes my shoulder, his hand slowly making his way to my neck.

"Really?" I bite my lip and nod, not knowing how to react to this side of David yet. The side that was actually sort of dominant and wanted me every way possible. The side of David that wasn't cute, the side that was hot as fuck. "We both know you feel differently." He assures me with a wink. "At least I do." He runs his tongue across the top row of teeth and his eyes trail from mine to my lips, his grip on my neck tightening ever so slightly. And in that moment I've never wanted David Dobrik more.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" I question and stand quickly, my arms crossed over my chest.

"Yes, I do. You're absolutely right." He laughs and follows my to the door. I'm wearing a pair of sweatpants and one of his mercy sweatshirts, so there wasn't much he could be staring at but I still felt his eyes taking in my body. When I reach the door I turn to find him staring at me with a wide grin. "You look nice today." I roll my eyes in response and cross my arms over my chest.

"Yeah, so do you." i tilt my head slightly. He begins making his way towards me and my arms fall to my sides. "I was kidding." I say quickly and he rolls his eyes, his hands gripping mine at my side tightly.

"This is where we kiss." He nods in agreement with himself and tilts his head slightly, giving me a wide eyed look that damn near makes me kiss him first. But I refuse to do that.

"Can it be where we hug? Please." I chuckle awkwardly and he pulls me to his chest.

It's such a comforting spot for me and I as much a so don't want to admit it I don't want to leave it. And I don't want him to leave tonight. I wanted him here. It's clear that he wants to be here with me too, but he's new neglecting working and needed to be at his office at the boys house.

I watch him make his way out the door as he blows me a playful kiss. "Feel free to sleep in my bed if you want, it smells like me."

"Gross. Did you change the sheets since your friend visited?" He points a finger at me the opens the door of the Tesla, pausing before entering the car.

"I changed them just for you." I flip him off and shut the door quickly. His car is quiet but I still hear the soft hum as it pulls out of the driveway. I sigh deeply as I make my way up the stairs, heading towards David's room.


Y'all. David. Enough said.

ALSO I updated so early again to thank you for all the reads! But mostly I wanted to promote my other books.

Two other books are out now that I'm currently working on. One is a harry styles book and itll be well worth the read I prizzomise. And the other is a Negan book. Which is also worth the read.

I just wanted to let you know that I'm currently working on those two and that they're almost brand new, so the reads are pretty low. Help a shister out and check them out :)

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