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My eyes flick between david and my mother and my father, who all stand before me and stare down at me as i sit on our couch, maria sit next to me giggling.

"we talked, honey." david begins and puts an arm around my mothers shoulder.

"you talked without me about me?" he hums and holds a hand out.

"we just think that since it's getting closer to the birth of the baby, we should enlist a private security detail. who knows what he'll try to do after the baby is born." he spits out the word he'll with venom as he becomes more visibly angry.

i realize quickly that this isn't up for debate as i take in the look on my parents face. "uh," i begin. "i don't know." i shrug. "i don't know if that's the best idea. i don't really like the thought of having multiple large men follow me to the corner store." i sit back in my seat and place a hand on my stomach.

"princess," david kneels before me and places his hand on top of mine. "at least until we know that you're safe. i don't want my family in danger." i nod and sigh deeply.

david has been extremely cautious for the past few months about the safety of the baby and the closer we get to my due date, which is in a week and a half, the more nervous he gets. and it's understandable.

maria's first birthday came and passed about a month ago, and unfortunately we weren't able to do anything because of last minute preparations for the baby's arrival. the closer we get the less time i have for her, and i feel extremely guilty about that. i promised myself i wouldn't let it happen but here we are.

i glance at her sitting beside me and i tell myself to pick her up and hold her tightly, but before i can my father picks her up with his shaky arms.

his health has been getting increasingly worse and at this point he could leave us at any moment. but my father is determined and he wants more than anything to be here to see his grandchild be born.

"Dad, please be careful." i lift an eyebrow at him and he takes the seat beside me on the couch of their living room.

"i can handle it. i got it." he sighs deeply and takes a moment to catch his breath. Maria's tiny hands slap his face as she giggles and giggles, a look of pure happiness on her face. "papa loves you my sweet girl." he kisses her tiny cheek and she gives him an open mouthed kiss, leaving him covered in spit.

"papa. papa." she smiles widely, showing off her teeth that keep coming in.

"enough of that. come to mama." i reach for her and she crawls to me quickly, throwing herself in my arms and giving me a few open mouth kisses.

"mama. dada." my heart melts as the words leave her mouth and i hold her to me tightly.

"mama loves you sweet girl." i grin and kiss her cheek. i turn to david and grin to see him staring at the both of us.

"the cutest." he says and looks between us.

"vwogs!" maria says and giggles loudly. "dada vwogs!" she laughs and tucks herself into my side.

"david!" i lift an eyebrow. "her first word is vlogs?" i lift an eyebrow and he smiles widely, looking very proud of himself.

"that's my girl."


a week passes and we spend most of the time planning maria's birthday party, which is also going to be the baby shower. i wanted something small with just close friends but david insisted on making it an entire party. 

"i think it's a bit much. i'll have just gotten out of the hospital and i'll be exhausted. you know what i mean, don't you?" i question. scotty shrugs his shoulder and continues scrolling through his phone looking for a good caterer in the area.

"i think you both need to take things into consideration. i mean the options are endless david's loaded. you never wanted to just go all out?" he asks and i shrug.

"i mean i never could go all out." i tuck my feet underneath me in an attempt to get more comfortable with the balloon attached to my body. "you know my family situation. we barely got by. some years i didn't even get a cake. it's crazy to me now that i can do all this but do i really want to?" i sigh deeply and sit back.

"well this isn't a party for you, it's for the babies. maria loves being around people and big parties. shed love something extravagant. and the baby is going to grow up with david spoiling it and treating it like a king. i think you just have some more to consider is all." i look at him and scowl, angry that he's right. "but, hey, you shouldn't be stressing about this right now! the baby will be here any day, and you don't want to be all worked up about a party. i'll tell you what, let me and the boys handle it. jason even has a few kids. i promise that it'll get done perfectly!" i lift an eyebrow and think for a moment.

"you're sure that it'll get some the right way and not be a mess?" he nods quickly and gives me a hopeful look. "fine." he pumps his fist in the air and is visibly excited.

i feel the baby shifting inside me and moving about, and i lift my shirt to find a tiny hand print pressed against my skin. "look!" scotty smiles widely and pressed his massive hand against my baby's. "someone's excited to get here and meet uncle scotty, huh?" he grins.


here's something i had pre written i hope it's not too bad :)

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