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"These shoes are ugly." I glance at David who shoves a piece of orange chicken in his mouth. Today David insisted we go to the mall and he buys me some new things. He's always complaining about how he can't see my 'Beautiful face' when we facetime because my camera apparently looks like 3 pixels. And he was craving some of the food court Chinese.

So as per usual he drug me into the closet and forced me into an outfit of his choosing. Today he wanted me in an outfit similar to Marias because he thought it'd add to the visual effect. So I'm wearing one of David's vlog merch and a pair of high waisted ripped jeans, with the ugly balenciagas that David loves so much.

"They're cute," he assures me and places Maria's bottle in her mouth, which she takes like shes never drank anything before. I take in my surroundings to see that just about everyone in the mall had their phones pointed at us and were whispering to themselves, but no one dared to interrupt David Dobrik and his mystery girl whose daughter slightly resembled David.

"Are you done eating yet?" I question and sip my drink. "I don't know why we had to come here. I could have gotten a phone online." I roll my eyes back and David shoots me a glare.

"Layla, you need to leave the house more than once a week. You're always all holed up in there and i don't like that." i sigh deeply, taking Maria from his arms and begin burping her. i didn't exactly like the outfit David put me in, but she looked beyond adorable in her little David vlogs onesie and her baby jeans.

"Hi, princess." i kiss her cheek and lay her against my chest, enjoying her presence. ive been thinking so much about davd and what were becoming lately, ive been completely neglecting spending time with Maria and enjoying it.

"This is possibly the cutest thing I've ever seen." David gushes and I hear his phone snapping pictures of me and the baby.

"David!" I hiss and he chuckles, moving to the seat beside me.

"I know how you feel." He assures me and I look up at him, lifting an eyebrow. He can't have just read my mind, the look on my face must have told him that I'm upset.

"You do?" He nods and pulls my chair impossibly closer to his, his arm tightly around me.

"She should get most of our attention." I look down at the baby in my arms and she stares over at David, her small hand waving around as I pat her back gently. "But she doesn't need all of it, you know. We're allowed to love each other." I refuse to turn to David for a fear of busting out in tears for no reason. My hormones hate me this week which made this conversation all the more hard. "Have you done any thinking lately?" I shrug my shoulders and rest my head against Maria's. "I have."

"About what?" I mumble.

"Just stuff. You know, like us."

"I don't want to ruin this, you know. I mean, I don't know. Can we take thing extremely slowly then if things get hard we can like do a u turn and be friends again?" He chuckles and nods, placing a kiss on my forehead before gathering our jackets and leading me towards the phone shop.


I spend the rest of the day with Maria and David and my parents, they're finally moved into David's beautiful second home and I don't think it's possible for my family to be happier. My father seems to adore David now and Ana falls more in love with him as the seconds pass. She visibly swoons every few minutes.

"You're sure you want to stay here tonight? You can stay another night if you want." David assures me and his hand grips mine tightly. I can feel my family's eyes on us but they don't interject as they stand in the doorway of the kitchen.

"No, it's fine. We'll be home tomorrow." I assure him with a nod. "Don't miss me too much." I elbow his shoulder gently he grins at me.

"I already miss you." He presses yet another kiss to my forehead before walking to my parents and taking Maria from my mothers arms. "I'll miss you too, my little angle." He coos and she smiles widely, her hands gently hitting David's face. David procrastinates for another 20 minutes before he lets me lead him to the Tesla.

"You should go." I lift an eyebrow and he sighs deeply.

"Should I stay with you guys?"

"You need to go do some work. I'm tired of looking at you," I shove him lightly.

"Are you really?" I shake my head slowly, hoping it's slightly hard for him to see in the darkness of the night.

"No." I smile up at him and he takes my face in his hands, pulling me to his chest.

"You know, everyone's got pictures of you kissing me now. From the food court." I lift an eyebrow and let my arms hold him gently.

"It's fine." He assures me.

"Are you sure?" He nods and rests his head against mine.

I'm probably more nervous about this then David. Especially if we get his fans all riled up and then we're not even together. All of his Stan's would leave him.

"I'll be here in the morning. Then we can do whatever you and Maria want." He grips my sides and grins at me, his teeth shoving completely.

"Bye David."

After watching him drive off I enter the new home again and rock on my heel, my family eyes glued to me. "So, it's a nice house, huh?" I bite my lip awkwardly and silently pray they don't comment on what they just saw. But knowing my family they will.

They slowly turn to face each other and Ana lets out an ear piercing screech, making Maria burst out in fits of horrid sobs. I quickly run to her and hold her tightly in my arms. "Baby, it's okay. Mamas here." I assure her and whip my head towords Ana, who dances in place beside my parents. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"David dobrik is my brother in law!" She screeches again.

"No ones getting married." I assure her and take my place on the couch where I recently sat with David.

"You two seem to be a little more than friends." He father sits beside me.

"Your father used to look at me like that. Two days later he's putting a baby in me. So what's going on? You won't leave us in the dark." I raise my hand in defense, the other one holding Maria tightly as she continues recovering from Anas horrid sound.

"When you know, I'll know. I don't know what's going on with me, but all I know is that I can't get enough of David."

And it's true. I want to be near him constantly and when we weren't touching I craved it. It's driving me absolutely insane and I'm sure I require more attention from him now than Maria does.

Maria seems to love us being so close. She can't get enough of us being by each other so often that she can reach her little hand out and graze both of our faces. I'm not sure why I'm worried about her not adjusting well since she'll grow up with one mother and one father anyways. Me and David. She'll probably not even know that I'm not her real mom for years and years. And that's okay.

"Honey, you've both got it bad." Me mother swirls her wine in her glass and shakes her head.

"Is that bad?"

"Of course not. I've been waiting how long for you to find someone you love again. Someone you can start a family with. That's exactly what David's given you. He's given me a granddaughter. Something I never thought I'd see. I'm happy that it's him and not some Nebraska scumbag rapper wannabe." My father says in disgust and fakes a gag, my mother faking a gag in agreement. "Whatever makes you happy mi princess. David's a good guy, that's all I can ask for." I smile widely at him and my heart flutters at my family support, which is exactly what I needed to get to decide that I want David. I know now.


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I JUST PUBLISHED MY DRACO MALFOY FIC PLEASE READ IT ANS HELP A SHISTER OUT. But fr tho, it would mean the entire universe to me if you would check it out. It's a rewritten version of the Draco fic i has published earlier. Also, I'm updating my Negan book and my harry book tonight.

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