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"David," I mumble and feel the bed beside me. My hand is met with Maria's leg and she giggles while kicking it around in my grip.

I slowly open my eye to find her staring at me with wide eyes and a bright smile that immediately brings one to my face and I quickly pull her into my arms. "My baby." I grin as I cuddle her closer. "Good morning my love." I close my eyes once again and try to fall back asleep but her hands continue to roam my face.

Ring ring. I let out a groan and reach behind me on the bed, aggressively pulling my cellphone to my ear. "Hello?" I say quietly.

"Layla, where are you?!" Anas frantic voice meets my ear and I sit up slowly, thoughts of every single thing that could have gone wrong popping into my brain.

"I'm at a hotel, David has an event today. Why, what's wrong? Where are you?" I stand quickly and begin packing all of my things.

The tone of voice that Anas using tells me that something is seriously wrong and it's got to be either my mother or my father. My father is the one with the worst health, though. He's sick all the time. He always said that one day it would catch up with him but I didn't think the day would come so soon.

"Layla, it's daddy!" She sobs. "He's sick, he's in the hospital. You need to come home right now." I freeze momentarily before nodding quickly and making a humming sound, pressing my lips into a thin line as I toss me and Maria's things into my suitcase.

"Woah, princess," the door opens to reveal David with Trisha and Jason behind him. "Where's the fire?" He walks to me and pulls me into his arms, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. "What's wrong?" He presses.

"I-my dad. David, I need to leave. I can't-I cant not be there." Tears spring to my eyes as I pull myself from his comforting grip and return to the packing. My limbs do their own thing as my mind races at a million miles an hour.

"Baby, hey." I feel David's hands on my shoulders and I'm turned to face him. "I'm gonna come with you." He nods and stares me into my eyes. "I don't want you to go alone. Not in this state." I shake my head quickly and shove past Trisha and Jason who watch me with a concerned look. But those two are the last thing on my mind as I gather a few things from the bathroom, leaving all of my makeup and my straightener sitting where they did last night. "Layla, chill out. Take a shower, change your clothes. It'll be fine." David crosses his arms and watches as I pull Maria's jacket on her body before slipping into my balenciagas and one of his sweaters, not caring to take off the dress I wore to last night.

"No, it's fine. Me and Maria will take a cab and I'll see you some time that isn't right now." I shove my charger and my entire clutch into my purse and place Maria in her seat, buckling her in it tightly.

"Take the Tesla. It's safer than a cab, I'll meet you to at the house after the event." He hands me the key and I bite my lip.

"He's in the hospital David." I mumble. He nods slowly and pulls me into his arms again. "What do I do if something happens?" I cry momentarily and let myself relax in his arms.

"Don't worry about that, I'll call you." He pulls away and kisses the side of my head before leading me out of the doorway.

"I'll text you!" I shout to Trisha once we're a little ways away, but my mind is still focused on my father.


I rush down the hallway of the hospital with Maria's seat gripped tightly in my hand and the diaper bag swinging from my shoulder. I can only imagine how I look right now, smeared makeup, a dirty dress with a sweatshirt over it, messy bun, and a damn pair of balenciagas to top it all off. I probably look like an insane rich mother.

"Dad?" I knock on the door and shove it open slowly to find my mother and sister crying next to the bed, a doctor standing on the other side of it giving him a sorry look. "Dad?" My voice falters slightly and I set Maria's seat down beside a chair and make my way to him.

The look on my mothers face shows pure pain as she holds Ana close to her, the look on my younger sisters face breaking my heart in two.

Seeing my family in crisis was never a good thing. It was like this when my mother lost her job, and when we got kicked out of our apartment. My mother just cried all the time and we mimicked her. But, my father kept it together. Just as he is right now as he sits in a hospital bed with a sad smile on his face.

"Stop crying, you look weak in front of your mother. You're the one who's supposed to keep her in check." My father warns me and I wipe my eyes quickly and grip his hand.

"What's going on? What's wrong?" I question and look between the others. My mothers eyes slowly raise to mine and the pain shines brightly through the tears and I know then exactly how bad it is.

My mother is going to lose the love of her life and her best friend. The love my parents share is the type i pray for and that I always hope I'll be able to find eventually. I can't imagine how she feels right now.

"I'm sorry, but your father's got stage 4 lung cancer. With the proper treatment I'd give him till New Years, but it doesn't look like you have the funds." The tall male places a hand on my shoulder and gives me the same sorry look.

It looks like he's given the look a thousand times as if it's became natural to him and I can't help but sympathize for him as well. What it feels like to tell so many people and their families that they're gonna die. What it's like to tell a wife that her husband won't make it. A daughter that she'll no longer be able to seek the comfort of her father.

"No-start the treatment." I grip my father's hand even tighter and he furrows his eyebrows.

"Lay, we can-" my father begins but I shake my head quickly and turn back to the doctor.

"Just start the treatment." I instruct and he nods before exiting the room in a hurry.


"Baby, wake up." I hear David's voice and feel something shaking me. "Baby." He repeats and I open my eyes slowly to reveal David standing beside my fathers hospital bead, where I lay beside him. I didn't even realize it, but I must have fallen asleep.

I turn to him to find him staring at me with a warm smile and the tears return to my eyes as I think about all the pain he must be going through. "Oh, no more crying." He pleads and hugs me closer to his side. "You've cried enough, honey." He sighs and I can't stop the tears from streaming down my face. "Go home and get some rest, I want to soak up all of the time with my grandchild as I possibly can." He looks to the other side of the bed and I find my mother rocking Maria in her arms while humming a lullaby she sang me when I was younger.

David smiles down at me with a nod and I raise from my place and gather my things slowly. With one more glance at my father I slide the door closed and let David pull me down the hallways and away from my family.


How do you guys feel about me making these impulse decisions? That's what the writers block will do to you ayyyyyyyyyyy. Also, it's 3 in the morning and I'm so tired so I'm not even quite sure what i just wrote. Anyways, not edited. But goodnight :)

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