The Magnificent Seven- Part 2

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The next morning, you were woken up by the smell of cheeseburgers. You groaned and opened your eyes, lifting your head up to see Dean open a bag from a fast food joint. You groaned and sighed as you sat up, wiping the sleep and tears from your eyes.

"Where are we?" You asked.

"Just outside of Lincoln, Nebraska," Sam said as Dean drove to where they were expecting to meet Bobby. You saw a farmhouse come into view and before you know it, Dean was parking right outside the place. The noise of the cicadas was the nosiest things there.

Dean was munching on his cheeseburger as he got out of the car. You got out and squinted at the light of the sun, seeing Bobby already there, waiting for the three of you.

"Hear those cicadas?" Sam observed.

"Yeah, that can't be a good sign," Dean said, taking another bite of his cheeseburger.

"So, we're eating bacon cheeseburgers for breakfast, are we?" Bobby said when you walked over to him. You were glad to see his face, not knowing what happened to Ellen after the huge macho showdown.

"Well, I sold my soul. Got a year to live. I ain't sweating the cholesterol." Dean said, chewing happily.

"Don't remind me." You said, getting tears.

"How are you doing?" Bobby said, putting a hand on your shoulder.

"Doesn't matter. We should check this place out." You said, shrugging out of his touch and leaving the group. You hated feeling this way but you couldn't help it. You walked up to the door and pounded on the door, receiving no answer except the chirps from the cicadas.

You sighed and got out your lock pick kit and sunk to your knees just as the three men joined you. You picked the lock easily, opening it. You took out your gun you always carried on you and walked inside, pointing the gun everywhere you looked.

Immediately upon walking in, you were hit with the stench of death. You gagged and covered your nose with your arm, still holding the gun in front of you.

"Oh wow, that's awful," Sam said once he got a whiff of the odor.

"That so can't be a good sign," Dean said, following you inside. You walked around the house, searching in the rooms but always coming up empty-handed. You sighed and walked to a closed door where the smell seemed to be getting stronger. You paused as you heard muffled screams come from the room behind the closed door.

"You hear that?" You asked Dean who was near you. He nodded and you stood by the door so when he opened it, you would be the first one in there. Dean looked at you and when you nodded, he kicked down the door and you walked in, your gun raised. You expected something to jump out at you, to attack but you instead, you found the source of the rotten smell.

Sitting on the couch in front of you were three people, dried up like fruit. You gagged, seeing flies move around the dead bodies. You groaned and lowered your gun, covering your nose from the potency of the smell. You looked in front of them and saw where the screams were coming from. They were watching a TV show and you sighed, looking at Dean for help.

"What the hell happened?" You asked, lowering your arm. The stench was still strong but you could tolerate it now. Bobby came walking into the room, recoiling in horror at the bodies.

"Bobby, what the hell happened here?" You asked, trying to ignore the sound coming from the TV.

"I don't know." He answered, shrugging.

"Check for sulfur," Dean ordered and Bobby got right on that, searching around the room. You started to look but the high-pitched scream came from the TV again. You growled and walked over to it, slamming your hand down on the power button.

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