Fresh Blood- Part 4

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You easily found the factory Gordon was talking about and you crept inside, your machete always in front of you. Sam and Dean also had theirs and they were cautious as hell. You found the woman and Sam helped her up after undoing her ties. She was weak and you knew she could barely walk. She was sobbing but Dean threw her arm over his shoulder to help her walk out of the place.

The one thing that scared you, is that you didn't see Gordon. You knew this was going to be a trap but you had to save the girl.

"Sam, Y/N, stay close." You followed behind Sam and Dean, always taking in your surroundings but you weren't close enough to them. As soon as they stepped over a threshold, a mechanized door suddenly slid down, cutting you off from the brothers and the woman.

"Dean!!!" You yelled, banging on the door.

"Y/N!!!" Dean and Sam yelled back.

"Damn it!!" Dean yelled. "Y/N, be careful! We're going to try and get you out!" You turned around and looked for a way out of the room when suddenly, the lights shut off, leaving you in a pitch-black room. Your breath hitched as your eyes tried to adjust to the darkness. Your heart was racing and you knew that Gordon was in there with you, listening to your heart race. You started to slowly creep around the room, one hand on the wall and the other gripping your machete.

"Gordon! Come on and quit playing games! You got me where you want me! Might as well come out and fight!!" You yelled. You kept walking slowly, trying to find the light switch.

"I'm right here, Y/N," Gordon said from behind you. You spun around quickly, swinging your machete. You heard the swish! sound it made but it didn't connect with anything. You heard Gordon chuckling but you didn't know where it was coming from. "What's the matter, Y/N?"

You stopped and closed your eyes even though it made no difference. You tried to focus on using your powers. It might break a wall down and you could get out of here or even let Sam and Dean in to help you.

"So, this is how you're going to play, huh?" You said quietly, knowing he heard you loud and clear.

"Damn right I do," Gordon replied. You felt the buildup of power course through your veins. You grunted out when that power was released and you aimed it at nothing, hoping it would knock down a wall. You sighed when nothing happened.

"See, I thought you might do that. You can't penetrate these walls." Gordon said. You were still very new to these whole powers thing. Maybe that is why you felt blood trickling down your nose. You wiped it away, knowing Gordon already smelled it.

"Damn, your blood smells delicious but I'm not ready to kill you just yet," Gordon said and you blindly made your way through the room, feeling the wall. You must have looked ridiculous. "You have no idea what I faced to get here. I lost everything; my life. But it's worth it because I'm finally gonna kill the most dangerous thing I ever hunted. You're not human, Y/N, you just proved that to me."

"Yeah look who's talking." You muttered. You felt a breath on the back of your neck and you whipped around, swinging your machete. Again, it came into contact with nothing.

"You're right. I'm a bloodthirsty killer. Right now, your blood smells amazing."

"Don't talk about it like you don't have a choice." You said even though you didn't know why you were talking to him like he could be saved. You didn't think that at all but you were afraid that if you voiced that, then he would do something much worse than kill you.

"I don't," Gordon stated.

"Yes, you do, Gordon. You didn't kill that girl." You said and bit your lip.

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