Dream A Little Dream Of Me- Part 5

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"Why do you have to talk while you're holding my girlfriend?" Dean said, trying to get away from Dream Y/N but she wouldn't let him go.

"That's the problem with you two. You have too many feelings. Feelings that get in the way. I like the other Y/N better. She knows how to have fun." Dream Dean said, leaning down to do whatever it is he wanted but you had enough. You elbowed him in the gut and turned around pushing your hands out in front of you. Magic escaped your body and threw Dean into the wall. He just laughed as he stood up, not affected by your actions.

"I remember when I could that. But I like my new self much better." Dream Y/N said, making you look at her.

"What are you talking about?" You asked, moving away from Dream Dean who walked to where he was standing before.

"Y/N, sweetheart, we're not here to talk about you. We're talking about Dean and how he's going to hell and he won't even lift a finger to stop it." Dream Dean said, making Dream Y/N pout. You watched her and it was as if she had no emotions, no humanity in her.

"Fine, but I want to play too." She said, letting go of Dean.

"You'll get your turn," He said to her before turning to Dean. "Talk about low self-esteem. Then again, I guess it's not much of a life worth saving, now is it?"

"Wake up, Dean. Come on, wake up." Dean said to himself and you got tears just seeing this exchange.

"I mean, after all, you've got nothing outside of Sam. Nothing outside of Y/N. I mean, they're both a waste of space but you'll come to learn that soon." Dean got mad and moved away from Dream Y/N, pushing Dream Dean in the chest.

"Get out of my head!" Dean yelled at himself. Dream Dean laughed and walked past him to the desk where he was originally. You grabbed Dean by the hand and pulled him closer to you. You weren't going to let him be alone.

"You are nothing. You're as mindless and obedient as an attack dog." Dream Dean said, spewing verbal attacks.

"Th-that's not true." Dean stuttered, trying to lie to himself. But it wasn't working.

"No? What are the things that you want? What are the things that you dream? I mean, your car? That's Dad's. Your favorite leather jacket? Dad's. Your music? Dad's. Do you even have an original thought?"

"I said leave him alone!" You said, throwing magic at him which he dodged easily.

"You're letting your feelings get in the way, Y/N." Dream Y/N said, a smirk on her face.

"Yeah? What about your feelings? Where is your humanity?" You asked her, dreading the answer.

"I got rid of those a long time ago. See, there's nothing in here and soon, you're going to have nothing inside of you. No humanity, no feelings, no soul. That's what you're going to become." She smirked but you need to ignore her. Why was Dean dreaming of you this way anyway?

"Dean, get rid of the bad stuff. There is good stuff in your head. Focus on those." You said, turning to Dean and ignoring your other self.

"No. No, all there is in here, is, 'Watch out for Sammy. Look out for your little brother, boy!' You can still hear your Dad's voice in your head, can't you?" Dream Dean said, taking over this little exchange. "Clear as a bell."

"Just shut up," Dean said with a smile, getting angry.

"I mean, think about it..." Dream Dean said, walking over to Dean who's smile is fading. He let go of your hand. "...all he ever did is train you, boss you around. But Sam... Sam he doted on. Sam, he loved."

"I mean it. I'm getting angry." Dean growled at himself.

"Don't listen to him, Dean. You're better than that." You said.

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