Red Sky At Morning- Part 4

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You and the Winchesters were back at the house, back in your regular clothing instead of the fancy ones. You didn't know where Bela was or what she did with the hand she stole but you knew you needed to get it back. But in the meantime, since you didn't have her number or anything like that, all you could do is wait until she showed up because you knew she would.

"You know, I might keep these shoes. They are very cute." You said while sitting on the couch inside the living room. Sam was sitting next to you but Dean was staring at the ship-in-a-bottle with a deep frown on his face.

"You know what, you're right. I'm not gonna kill her. I think slow torture's the way to go." Dean said, not paying attention to anything anyone is saying.

"Dean, look, you gotta relax," Sam said even though he was pissed.

"Relax! Oh yeah, yeah, I'll relax. I can't believe she got another one over on us!" Dean exclaimed.

"You," Sam said as he looked up.

"What?" Dean asked and you looked at Sam and frowned.

"I... I mean, she got... one over... on you... not us." Sam stuttered.

"Thanks for the help, Samuel." You glared at him and he rolled his eyes slightly. Suddenly, there was rapid knocking on the door and you knew exactly who that was.

"Hello? Could you open up?" Bela's voice came through from the other side. Dean opened the door and all three of you looked pissed at her. "Just let me explain."

"Oh, I'll let you explain," You got up and walked right over to her, raising your arm back to slap her in the face but Dean caught your arm and pulled you into him. You glared at her and she looked at you before looking at Sam and Dean. Dean moved back, bringing you with him and let Bela inside. She walked right over to the table and he let you go.

"I sold it. I had a buyer lined up as soon as I knew it existed." Bela confessed. Sam was leaning against the mantle, giving her the bitchface while you and Dean stood next to Bela, glaring at her. Dean, who was furious, walked around her and shot Bela with his finger gun. If only you could actually kill her.

"So, the whole reason for us going to the charity ball was...?" Sam asked.

"I needed a cover. You were convenient."

"Look, you sold it to a buyer. Just go buy it back." Sam sighed.

"It's halfway across the ocean. I can't get it back in time." Bela sighed.

"In time for what?" You asked, staring at her. She didn't say anything, except to look down at the table. "Bela, in time for what?"

"I saw the ship." She finally said, looking up where she stared at the wall instead of in anyone's eyes.

"You what? Wow, you know, I—I knew you were an immoral thieving con artist bitch, but just when I thought my opinion of you couldn't get any lower—" Dean was cut off.

"What are you talking about?" Bela looked at him.

"We figured out the spirit's motive," You said, making her look at you. You grabbed a photograph off the table she was sitting at and showed her. "This is the captain of the ghost ship. The one who hung our ghost boy."

"So?" Bela was confused.

"So, they were brothers. Very Cain and Abel. So now our spirit, he's going after a very specific kind of target – people who've spilled their own family's blood," You explained and Bela looked shocked. "See, first, there was Sheila who killed her cousin in the car accident, and the Warren brothers, who murdered their father for the inheritance. And now you." Sam explained.

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