Malleus Maleficarum- Part 1

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Christmas had come and gone just like that and as much as you liked your Christmas this year, you had to get back into your abnormal lives. The day after Christmas, you were on the road again to another town, another monster. Sam found a case easily and even though you didn't know what you were hunting, how Janet Dutton died was strange.

Her husband found her in the bathroom with her teeth in the sink and blood in her mouth. He didn't know what could have happened with her when she seemed fine 20 minutes before. Just like always, you dove straight into the problem and decided to talk to Paul, Janet's husband about it. You didn't know what you were going to find but you had to be ready for it.

You decided to impersonate workers from the CDC for this job even though you could have easily impersonated FBI Agents. Dean and Sam were in Paul and Janet's bedroom while you were in the bathroom, checking out the crime scene—or what was left of it.

"She was so scared. I couldn't help; I couldn't do anything to stop it. And I've talked to the police, and I've talked to the medical examiner and no one can explain it." Paul explained to the brothers. You peeked out to see Sam checking out the bedroom while Dean talked to the poor man. You sighed and went back to your search.

"Well, that's why they put the call into us, Mr. Dutton."

"But the CDC, that's disease control, right? What do you think; it's some kind of virus?" Paul asked. You decided to close the door more so that no one would see what you were doing. You didn't need Paul watching what you were doing since you knew his wife's death was supernatural. You kept it open a crack to still hear what they were saying but you searched through the medicine cabinet first.

Nothing was in there.

"We're not ruling out anything yet. Mr. Dutton, did Janet have any enemies?"

"I'm sorry?" Paul asked, confused. He must not think this was a murder.

"Anyone that might have a reason to hurt her?" Sam spoke up.

"Wait, what are you saying? That somebody poisoned her?" You sighed and got on your knees and checked underneath the sink when you found nothing in the drawers. You saw something and pulled it out, getting a weird vibe from it. It wasn't a good vibe but it was kind of comforting, in a way. You couldn't explain it but you knew what this bag was.

It was a hex bag which meant you would be dealing with witches. Maybe that is what the comforting vibe came from because on some level, you knew that you might be a witch. You didn't know for sure because you didn't know any witches but maybe you might get some answers from them.

You stopped paying attention to what Sam and Dean were saying to Paul but you put the hex bag in your pocket and opened the bathroom door.

"Uh, everyone loved Janet," Paul said, a nervous look on his face. You didn't know what they were talking about but you knew that from the look on his face, he was hiding something. All three men turned and looked at you as you emerged from the bathroom. You looked at Sam and Dean and nodded, letting them know you were finished.

"Okay, thank you very much; I think we've got everything we need. We'll get out of your way now." Dean said, looking at Paul. He sighed and led everyone out of the bedroom and out of the house. It was lightly raining but you didn't mind much. You walked down the steps and through his yard before Dean spoke.

"That dude seem a little evasive to you?" He asked his brother.

"Yeah, a little too evasive. Y/N, what did you find?" Sam asked,

"This," you said, pulling out the hex bag and tossing it to Sam who caught it easily. All three of you stopped and stared at the bag. Sam opened it and grimaced at what was inside. Inside were bird bones and rabbit's teeth. It was hardcore, you knew that much.

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