Bedtime Stories- Part 2

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Another attack under your watch. Another person in the hospital, hurt, because you, Sam and Dean couldn't figure it out fast enough. You were still clueless as you were yesterday so as hard as you tried, you couldn't figure out what you were hunting.

You decided to visit the newest victim, Julie Watson, who was attacked in the woods with her boyfriend, Ken, who died. You were walking down the hallway with the brothers when you saw two real deputies walk out of the room Julie was in. You bit your lip, knowing that if they saw you in what you were wearing they might ask questions and that wouldn't be good for you.

You and the brothers turned to each other and started whispering, to make it look like you were just there to visit someone. The deputies didn't seem to notice you and walked past you without a second glance. You let out a sigh of relief before breaking apart and walking into Julie's room. She looked like a mess and you hated that she was in so much pain of losing someone she loved.

You could feel her pain.

Dr. Garrison from when you saw Kyle, was talking with a crying Julie.

"Please, please," she pleaded.

"Shh. Hey, we need to observe you while the drugs still might be in your system." Dr. Garrison stated.

"I have to go. I have things to do, arrangements I need to make!"

"It can wait. Now you need to rest. Stay. I'll be back in a few minutes," Dr. Garrison said, turning around before spotting you. "Ah, Detectives."

"Dr. Garrison." Dean nodded as a greeting.

"What the hell is going on here? My whole town is going insane."

"Trust me, we'll let you know as soon as we do." You promised him even though that was a lie. Dr. Garrison nodded and sighed, leaving you and the Winchesters to talk to Julie.

"Hi, Miss Watson? We just need to ask you a few questions." You said gently, showing her your ID badge, Sam, and Dean doing the same.

"Do we have to go over this again? Now?" You hated how broken she looked.

"We'll try to be brief. Miss Watson, can you tell us how you got away?" Sam said, getting right to the point.

"I didn't eat as much as Ken did, so I wasn't as out of it. And, when the old woman was... carving up Ken, I shoved her, and she fell. Cracked her head on the stove," she paused to take a few deep breaths, to take this all in. "She's dead, right? I-I killed her?"

"Do you have any idea why she'd do this to you?" Dean asked.

"No! One minute she was a sweet old lady and the next she was, like, a monster." Julie explained. You bit your lip and knew that Ken and Julie were attacked in the woods. When you replay her words in your head over and over, this story sounds familiar.

Two people, a male and a female, walk through the woods to find a little cottage with a sweet old woman inside, asking them if they'd like to come inside for sweets. They trust her and then she turns on them, eating them both.

You weren't big on childhood stories but this sounded like... no, it can't be... that was only a story... right?

"Can you remember anything else?" Sam asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"Um, yeah, did you find a little girl there, by any chance?"

"A little girl? At the house?" Sam asked, confused. You were confused by this detail but it still didn't deter you from your suspicions.

"I thought I saw her outside the window. She, she just disappeared. Just vanished, into thin air." Julie explained. Sam and Dean looked at each other but you stared at Julie, trying to piece her story together.

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