Jus In Bello- Part 3

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"Sam and Dean Winchester. Y/L Y/L/N. I'm Deputy Director Steven Groves. This is a pleasure."

"Well, I'm glad one of us feels that way," Dean said and Steven looked at Dean before looking back at you. He smirked maliciously and you frowned, putting yourself down for not feeling this earlier.

"I've been waiting a long time for you three to come out of the woodwork," Steven said before taking out his gun and pointing it at you.

"Guys, he's a demon!" You yelled right before he shot you in the shoulder. You yelled out in pain as you fell onto the bed, your blood spraying on the wall behind you. Steven tried to take a few more shots at you but you narrowly missed them. To distract the demon, Sam began to chant the exorcism in Latin, taking the demon's attention away from you. He walked over to their cell and shot Dean in the arm, the same thing happening to him. With his hands outstretched in front of him, Sam reached through the bars and grabbed at the hand holding the gun.

Steven's eyes turned black as he growled but before he could do any more damage, Steven's head moved back and forth as Sam chanted in Latin.

"Sorry, I've gotta cut this short. It's gonna be a long night, fellas." The demon said before exiting the deputy's body. As soon as the demon left, Steven dropped to the ground, Sam still holding the gun. Suddenly the door opened and two officers came rushing in with Henriksen behind them, his gun trained on Sam.

"Alright, put the gun down!" One of the officers yelled.

"Wait, okay, wait," Sam pleaded as he moved to put the gun down.

"He shot him!" The same officer yelled.

"I didn't shoot him, okay. I didn't shoot anyone." Sam defended himself.

"He shot me!!" You grunted in pain, making the men look at you. You were still lying on the bed with your hand pressed to your wound.

"He shot me too!" Dean spoke up.

"Get on your knees, NOW!" Victor yelled and Sam nodded, doing what he was told.

"Okay, okay, okay. Don't shoot. Please. Look. Here. Here," Sam passed the gun through the bars as he got on his knees. "Look. We didn't shoot him. Check the body. There's no blood. We did not kill him. Go ahead, check him." Reidy looked at Sam before leaning over Steven. He checked the body and looked up at Victor.

"Vic, there's no bullet wound."

"He's probably been dead for months." You said through the pain.

"What did you do to him?" Victor demanded answers.

"We didn't do anything. You wouldn't believe us even if we told you the truth." You snapped at him. He raised his gun at you and you looked at Dean worriedly.

"Talk or I shoot." He threatened.

"He was possessed by a demon." You told them the truth.

"Possessed? Right. Fire up the chopper! We're taking them out of here now." Henriksen scoffed.

"Yeah! Do that!" You yelled at him, getting angry. You whimpered when you moved your shoulder and looked at Dean who was pissed.

"Bill?" Reidy said over the walkie-talkie. "Bill are you there?" You assumed Bill was in charge of the helicopter. However, there wasn't any response. Henriksen nodded to Reidy to see what was going on and the other Agent left the room. The other officers still had their guns trained on you and the brothers.

"They're dead. I think they're all dead." Reidy said over the talkie. Your eyes widened because you knew what that meant. If one demon found you, then a whole fleet of them out be here. Suddenly, there was a loud crash coming from outside and that shook the officers and Victor up.

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