Fresh Blood- Part 1

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"Sweetheart, please tell me where we're going. I mean, kinky thing you got going on here with the blindfold but you know I don't like surprises." Dean said as he let you guide him towards the surprise you planned for him. Now that you got $5,000, you wanted to take Dean out doing something that you knew he would enjoy. Even though having a dinner date would be perfect for him, you knew that wasn't his style.

"Dean quit being a baby. We're almost there." You said with an eye roll. To keep everything a secret, you convinced Dean to let you drive Baby while he was blindfolded in the passenger's seat. Sam, on the other hand, wanted no part of any of this even though you invited him, decided to spend the day at a library or something like that.

You led Dean into the area where you would be using and approached the person in charge of this whole thing.

"Alright, take it off," You stopped walking and got in front of him so that he would see you and the surprise you had for him. He eagerly took off his blindfold and let his eyes take in his surroundings. A huge smile appeared on his beautiful face when he realized where he was and what you and he would be doing.

"Paintball? We're going paintballing?" Dean laughed, feeling like a kid again. You knew Dean loved shooting and you also wanted to have a bit of fun so you thought using paintballs, where they won't kill you, would be much more fun than actual guns.

"Yeah! And since we had a bit more money, I rented this place out so it's only going to be the two of us." You grinned, turning to the man who would be telling you what to do and how to use the guns even though you already knew.

"This is... awesome!" Dean chuckled, leaning into your side while the instructor began his lesson. It only took 20 minutes since you and Dean didn't have any questions and knew what to do. The man gave you vests to put on to protect you from the blow of the bullets and let you inside the area where you could go freely. There were a lot of obstacles and things you could hide behind. You knew you would have a fun time.

"Alright, whenever you two are ready, have fun. And don't worry about the time, if you need more bullets, just come up here and they'll be ready for you to use." The instructor said before leaving.

"Wait, before we go inside," Dean said before pulling you close. He captured your lips with his and snaked his tongue inside your mouth. You kissed him back, giving him the same attention that he was giving you.

However, you knew how this worked and brought your gun up while he was distracted by your lips and shot him in the stomach. He pulled away with a gasp and looked down at the mark you left on him.

"Let the games begin." You grinned, immediately taking off and running away from him. You heard his laugh before his footsteps, always trying to find you. You two didn't really have a system, it was "if you see the other person, shoot" kind of thing. You spent almost the whole day in there, dodging his bullets and running away from him, only to run into his arms and to be covered in paint.

At the end of it all, you two were covered in paint, even on your hair and faces. You laughed with him as you returned your guns and vests to the man who ran the place.

"I hope you had fun," The man said with a smile.

"We did, thank you so much," You smiled and walked out of the place and to the car, stopping before you could actually get in.

"I think there are blankets we can put over the seats so we don't get the car dirty," You said to Dean and he nodded but made no move to get them.

"Your face is all red." He laughed.

"That's because you had to pick the red paintballs. But, it's okay, your face is blue," You giggled at how silly he looked.

"Wanna make purple?" He suggested, pushing you against the side of the Impala.

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