The Kids Are Alright- Part 1

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oh boy, so much drama in this that will effect Dean and the reader later on.


"Give me the phone, Sam." You said from across the booth you two were in. Sam held up a finger as he continued to talk to Bobby on the other line. Dean was out of his mind if he thinks you weren't going to stop looking for a way to save Dean's ass before he goes to Hell forever.

"Samuel Winchester, give me the fucking phone." You said, leaning over the table and grabbing it from his hand. He was about to bitch you out but you held up your finger, smirking at him which he gave you the bitch face.

"Bobby, what do you mean it won't work? It's a demon dispelling ritual," You said. There was a knock on the window right next to your booth and you looked over to see Dean, waving a packet of papers.

"There is nothing here about this translation, Y/N," Bobby said.

"Well, maybe we got the translation wrong." You said.

"Maybe, but that still doesn't work." Bobby tried to reason with you. You looked at Sam with an eye roll, trying to get this done before Dean walked into the diner.

"Bobby, we can't just let Dean fry in hell. There has to be something we can do." You were cut off mid-sentence by Sam kicking your leg. Dean approached the table and you quickly changed your demeanor.

"I can keep trying, but I don't know how much more of this we can do," Bobby said with a smile.

"Yeah, no, ah, I gotta go. Okay, fine." You hung up the phone and slid it to Sam. You smiled at Dean as he slid in next to you.

"Who was that?" Dean asked, looking at you and Sam suspiciously.

"Pizza." You said the first thing that came to your mind. Dean looked around the pizza place you three were already in.

"You do realize you're in a restaurant? That serves pizza?" You sighed silently and nodded, forcing a smile.

"Yeah, I know, I wanted different kind of pizza." You said, looking at Sam for help here.

"What do you have, Dean?" Sam asked, saving your ass.

"You're weird, you know that?" Dean said with a smile. He turned to Sam and put the papers on the table. "Cicero, Indiana. A man falls on his own power saw."

"And? Just one power saw? You sure this is our sort of thing?" Sam said.

"Alright, there's something better in Cicero than just a case," Dean said. As soon as the words left his mouth, your eyes widened. You slapped him on the arm and scoffed at him.

"Lisa Braeden? You're going to see Lisa Braeden? You do realize, me, your girlfriend is sitting right here." You said, getting jealous a little. You always hated that Lisa but then again, you hated every girl Dean had a thing with.

"Should I even ask?" Sam said, sighing.

"Come on, I'm just going to see her to say hi," Dean said.

"It's been eight years, Dean. Do you think she'll even remember you?"

"She better remember me. We had the most awesome weekend together." Dean said, looking at his brother with a smile. You scoffed and hit his shoulder this time but harder.


"What? I'm kidding, kind of," You scoffed and rolled your eyes, getting up. You had to wiggle yourself to stand on the seat since Dean was blocking your way out. "What are you doing?" You didn't answer him and stepped over to the next booth and got out that way, going over to Sam's side and making him move over. You sat next to Sam and didn't look at Dean.

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