Dream A Little Dream Of Me- Part 1

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In spite of what Ruby said, you tried looking into your mother's past to see if there were any signs of witchcraft. You didn't want to listen to Ruby but you couldn't help but take her words to heart whether they might be true or not. The whole time you researched, you ended up not finding anything except that your ancestors dated back to the Salem Witch Trials. It wasn't surprising but that could mean a number of things. You knew the people burned girls who were never witches in the first place so you couldn't be sure.

You needed to talk to someone about this and Sam seemed like the likely option. You want to talk to Dean about this but he would just dismiss it since it came from a demon and he wouldn't believe you that you were a witch. So, while Dean was out in town, you and Sam were at the deserted bar. He was having a drink despite it being the afternoon and you were just having water.

"Sam, I have to tell you something." You said in a low voice. Despite the bar having only a handful of people, you didn't want anyone to hear you.

"What is it?" He asked, not looking at you. You met up with Sam and didn't know how many drinks he's had. You could just tell by his eyes and the smell of whiskey on his breath that he had quite a few. This conversation might not go as you planned but you needed to have it. With some luck, he would forget about this in the morning but part of you didn't want that.

"Ruby told me something that I don't know if I should believe." You started.

"Ah, Ruby. Hot demon, isn't she?" Sam smirked.

"Sam, please, I'm serious. I'm really freaking out here."

"What's the point? She may be lying and she may be telling the truth. According to you and Dean, she needs to be killed. So, take whatever she said and throw it away because it's probably nonsense." Sam look at you.

"Sam, stop being an asshole and please listen to me. I want to tell Dean this but he won't listen to me. At least you like Ruby." You glared at him. Sometimes Sam could be a mean drunk. But usually, he was a happy/funny drunk.

"That's my point, you don't like her. She was probably just ruffling your feathers, trying to get a rise out of you. I'm sure it's nothing." Sam sighed.

"Fuck you, Sam. You're not even acting like a friend right now." You said, getting on your feet but as soon as you did the bar doors opened and Dean walked in. He immediately spotted you and you sat back down with a sigh.

"There you two are. What are you doing?" Dean asked as he approached you.

"I'm just trying to talk to Sam but he's drunk and a mean one at that." You grumbled.

"I'm just telling her the truth." Sam shrugged, moving his glass between his fingers.

"It's two in the afternoon. You're drinking whiskey?" Dean silently judged.

"I drink whiskey all the time," Sam replied.

"No, you don't." You and Dean said at the same time.

"What's the big deal? You get sloppy in bars, you hit on chicks all the time. Why can't I?" Sam asked his brother. Dean looked around the bar but like earlier, there aren't many people there. The only woman in the bar beside you was a woman at the bar with a man but she was quite a bit older than Sam.

"It's kind of slim pickings around here," Dean observed before turning back to his brother. "What's going on with you?" You and Dean looked at Sam. With one look at Sam, your heart broke at the sight of his eyes which looked lost.

"I tried, Dean." Sam finally said.

"To do what?" Dean asked, confused but you knew what he was talking about.

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