A Very Supernatural Christmas- Part 3

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"This place is depressing." You said, wrapping your jacket closer to your body. You walked to an outdoor event called Santa's Village. Children were running around and playing and people walked around in costumes, trying to entertain the guests. But there was hardly anything here. It was sad how boring this looked.

"Hey, I don't pick 'em," Dean commented and you were about to roll your eyes when you felt a tug on your pant leg. You looked down to see a young boy, around the age of 4, holding a flower up to you and smiling.

"Here you go." He said and you looked at Sam and Dean, confused. You turned back to the child and got to his level before taking the flower.

"Thank you." You smiled, not knowing who he was.

"Justin! Oh no, I'm sorry, he likes to run off a lot." You looked up to see his mother rushing over to you. She picked up her child and gave you an apologetic look.

"Don't worry about it." You smiled at her.

"Still. Sorry about it." She said before walking away, scolding her child.

"Well okay then." You said, looking at the flower before putting it on the ground. You walked with the brothers further into the place.

"You know what I'm thinking?" Dean suddenly said.


"We should have on this year."

"Have one what?" Sam asked and you froze.

"A Christmas."

"No, thanks." You and Sam said at the same time. You looked into Sam's eyes and knew exactly what he was thinking and vice versa.

"No, we'll get a tree, a little Boston market, just like when we were little."

"Dean, those weren't exactly Hallmark memories for me, you know." Sam sighed.

"Yeah, Dean." You sided with Sam.

"What are you talking about? We had some great Christmases."

"Whose childhood are you talking about?" Sam asked, scoffing at this.

"Oh, come on, Sam. Y/N, back me up." Dean said, looking at you.

"No! Just... no." You spoke for yourself and Sam.

"Alright, Grinch," Dean spoke to you and Sam before walking off. You sighed and got tears, the thought of not being with Dean coming back to you.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Sam asked you.

"He's not going to be here next Christmas. I can't celebrate this one with him." You whispered to Sam and he nodded, understanding you.

"Yeah, I know." He kicked a rock around lightly before sinking into his memories, his past. You sighed and looked over at Dean to see him checking the place out. You looked back at Sam who was still in a daze. No doubt thinking of one of the many shitty Christmases you've had over the years. Dean eventually came back and looked at you.

"You'd think with the 10 bucks it costs to get into this place, Santa could scrounge up a little snow."

"What?" Sam asked, snapping out of his thoughts.

"Nothing. What are we looking for again?" Dean asked.

"Um, the lore says that the anti-Claus will walk with a limp and smell like sweets," Sam said, walking with you and Dean around the area.

"Great, we're looking for a pimp Santa," That remark made you giggle. "Why the sweets?"

"Think about it, Dean. If you smell like candy, the kids will come closer, you know?"

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