Bedtime Stories- Part 3

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A few hours later, you were waiting by the Impala while Sam and Dean talked with the paramedics who took the teenage girl away to get her help. You sighed and stared at the apple, trying to think where this little girl might have come from. Sam and Dean walked back over to you and you bit your lip, tossing the apple to Dean who caught it.

"Does this thing mean something to you?" Dean asked, tossing the apple to Sam.

"I think it's Snow White." You said, making Sam nod his head.

"Snow White? Ah, I saw that movie. Or the porn version anyway, because there was this wicked Stepmother? Woo, she was wicked." Dean grinned and you rolled your eyes, continuing your thought process.

"There is a wicked stepmother and she tries to kill Snow White with a poison apple." You said, catching the apple when Sam threw it back to you.

"But the apple doesn't actually kill the girl, right?" Dean asked.

"No, it puts her into a deep sleep that makes it seem like she's dead. But, I have another theory..." You began.

"You think the girl is Snow White, per say, right?" Sam filled in the pieces.

"Yeah. She flickered away and in her place, was the apple. I think, whoever she is, her stepmom tried to poison her." You and the brothers looked at one another before nodding. It was clear what you needed to do. You needed to go back to the hospital to see if there were any comatose little girls that could possibly be doing this.


"No, I'm sorry, we don't have any comatose little girls," The nurse said when she came back. You were all dressed up in your professional clothing, ready to get answers but there was none to be taken.

"You sure?" Sam asked.

"Totally. It's mostly just old guys and well... Callie. She's been around before I started here," The nurse said.

"Callie?" You asked, not sure who she was.

"Yeah, it' so sad. Poor Dr. Garrison, he just... won't give up on her."

"Is Callie one of his patients?" Dean asked.

"No, his daughter," The nurse said in a sympathetic tone.

"Which room is she in?" You asked, getting the information from the nurse. You thanked her and you three walked down the hall, towards the room she was in. You stopped when you saw Dr. Garrison by his daughter's bed, reading to her. But she wasn't a little girl, she was an adult girl who wasn't responding to anything. Was this little girl Callie?

You three watched the doctor read a bit until he looked up and saw you by the window. He shut the book and stood up, walking to the door and out of the room.

"Detectives. Can I help you?" He asked.

"We just... heard that Callie is your daughter," Dean said, sympathetic.

"And we wanted to say how very sorry we are," Sam added.

"Well, uh. Thank you. If you'll excuse me." Dr. Garrison said, pushing past Sam and Dean, walking down the hall.

"Oh, heading this way? We'll walk with you," Dean said, him and Sam walking with the doctor. You looked at Callie and knew if you could just touch her, you would know for sure if she was the little girl or not. You opened the door just as Sam and Dean's voices got farther away. "How long's Callie been like that?"

You slipped into the room and closed the blinds to have privacy. You looked at Callie, seeing her there, hooked up on life support. You didn't like this any more than anyone else did but it had to be done. You walked over to her and sat down where her dad was sitting.

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