Malleus Maleficarum- Part 2

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The next morning, you found out Amanda's friends and decided it was a good thing to talk to them before anyone else. The first person on your list was a woman named Elizabeth and she just so happened to live closer to Amanda than the other girls on your list.

Dean pulled up to her house and you three got out, walking up the driveway where you found her tending to her garden. Upon closer examination, you saw that this wasn't an ordinary garden. She was growing belladonna, wolfsbane, mandrake and some other herbs you didn't know the name of by heart. They were all ingredients that witches used to do spells. You had your girl, you just needed to know how to play your cards right.

"You must have a green thumb," Sam commented, making Elizabeth turn around in surprise.

"Excuse me?"

"Getting these herbs to grow out of season like this, quite impressive. I'm sorry, I should have introduced myself first," Sam said, reaching into his jacket pocket and pulled out a badge to which you and Dean did the same. "I'm uh, Detective Bachman, this is Detective Turner, and she is Detective Branson."

"Hi-ya." Dean gave her a smile. You just waved at her.

"We're following up on Amanda Burns' death, going around the neighborhood and talking to neighbors and stuff like that." You informed her.

"But didn't she— I mean she killed herself, right?"

"Maybe, maybe not," Sam answered.

"We heard you were friends with the deceased, correct?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Did you have any idea about her practices?" Dean asked, paying close attention to her reaction.

"I'm sorry, what kind of practices?" Elizabeth played dumb. You could see right through her.

"Well see, her house was littered with Satanic paraphernalia." You said and you saw her visibly flinch at that. That was her first strike.

"A regular Black Sabbath," Dean added.

"No, the— but she was an Episcopalian." Elizabeth stuttered.

"Well, then we're pretty sure she was using the wrong Bible." Dean chuckled. You kept staring at her but then you heard footsteps come up from behind and you turned around to see two girls walk up the driveway. They were probably Elizabeth's friends, AKA the other witches.

"Elizabeth, you alright?" The blonde woman said.

"I'm fine uh Renee, these are detectives. They say Amanda was— she was practicing—" Elizabeth tried to get the words out, clearly nervous as hell.

"I'm sorry detectives; you can tell that Elizabeth is a little bit upset," Renee said, clearly the leader of this group.

"Of course, Miss...?" You trailed off, not knowing her last name.

"Missus. Renee. Van Allen," She said slowly as if you were a dumbass and she was important. "Would you like me to spell it for you?"

"I'll get by, thanks," You said with a glare. You didn't like her attitude.

"This Amanda business has been hard for Liz. For all of us."

"Yeah. I mean, you think you know a person." The other woman that came with Renee, said.

"Well, I guess we all have secrets, don't we?" Dean said with a slight smile.

"Well, thanks, um, we'll be in touch," Sam said, walking past the girls because you could clearly tell that this was going to be a dead end with the other two girls.

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