The Kids Are Alright- Part 3

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You and the Winchesters were on Lisa's porch when Dean rang the doorbell. You held your breath, scared of what you might find behind it. The porch light turned on and the door opened, revealing Lisa who stared at the three of you in confusion.

"Dean, Sam... Y/N, what are you doing here?" Lisa asked but Dean cut her off, barging inside. You sighed and looked at Sam before walking in behind him.

"I was thinking about Ben's birthday. I didn't even bring him a present." Dean said.

"That's okay," Lisa said, confused as to why you three were here, barging into her home. If you three were strangers, she would have called the police by now.

"No. No, no, I feel terrible, so, uh... Here. Take a long weekend, just the two of you. It's on me." Dean said, pulling out a credit card and handing it to her.

"What?" Lisa said, confused.

"What?" You said at the same time as her.

"Yeah, I hear Six Flags is great this time of year. Go now. Avoid the traffic." Dean said with a tight smile. Lisa took the card and looked at it, reading the name on it. You knew it wouldn't say 'Dean Winchester'.

"Siegfried Houdini. Whose card is this?" Lisa asked.

"Mine," Dean said but you knew Lisa was having a hard time believing him. "Never mind that. It'll work, I promise."

"You should leave. All of you." Lisa said, trying to hand Dean back his card.

"Mommy, what's wrong?" Ben said, coming down the stairs. You gasped and reached out to grab onto whatever you could find which was Sam's sleeve. You were hit with a wave of 'supernatural juice', knowing that something was wrong with Ben. You knew he was captured, that this wasn't Ben.

"Nothing, Ben, it's cool," Dean said, looking at him. You nudged Dean and he looked at you, widening your eyes and nodding slightly. He had to know that this wasn't Ben. He seemed to understand the signal you were sending him because he became more aware.

"Are you okay?" Lisa asked, seeing how you weren't looking too good.

"Yeah, Lisa, I'm fine." You said, looking at Ben who stared at you. He must know you knew about him.

"Make them go away, mommy," Ben said in a toneless manner.

"You heard him, all of you, get out," Lisa said.

"Lisa... I don't think that's a good idea." You said. You didn't like being here in the first place but this is her son, Dean's son, that you were dealing with. You couldn't walk away from that.

"Get out!!" Lisa yelled, pushing everyone outside. She slammed the door when the last person was out and you sighed. You looked around and saw Lisa through a window, sitting on the couch with a book and Ben just staring at her while she read.

You noticed red marks on the window sill and you moved away from the boys, sneaking up to her window, making sure not to get caught.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" Dean said in a hushed tone.

"Hold on." You whispered back, creeping to the window sill. You came face to face with the red stuff you found on the other woman's house and touched it, frowning when it didn't smear on your hand like a liquid. It wasn't blood. You put the stuff to your nose and smelled, knowing what it was and where it came from.

You nodded and rushed back to the brothers, looking at them.

"Look, that stuff we saw, it isn't blood. It's dirt and I know where we can find the same kind." You said. Dean didn't need anything more to go off since he trusted you. You and the brothers got into the car and before you knew it, you were right where you believed the children were.

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