Sin City- Part 3

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After the police arrived, they cuffed the man who wanted to kill himself, Reggie. That was his name and the man who he killed was named John. You looked around and the bar was empty which you expected. You saw cops everywhere you looked and you thought it would be best if you got the hell out of there quick.

"We should get out of here. There are too many cops here." You whispered to Sam and Dean.

"Yeah, but just be cool," Dean muttered back to you.

"Man, that poor bastard. The only thing possessing him was a six pack." You said to Sam and Dean while walking to the front of the bar.

"So, what's the deal? People in this town getting possessed or not?" Sam asked the million dollar question.

"I don't know. Maybe it is just what it is— a town full of scumbags." Dean shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't think that's what this is." You said and as soon as you walked out of the bar, you were greeted by a handsome police officer in a tighter than normal uniform.

"Y'all ready for your mugshots?" The officer asked the three of you. Immediately you all stiffened up at his words and you were about to question him when he elaborated. "The photographer's gonna be here in a few and take your picture for the local paper."

"I'd be an honor, Officer. What a thrill!" Dean said, faking enthusiasm.

"We really should get going," you suggested and the cop nodded, knowing when he wasn't wanted. He smiled at the three of you and headed off to the other group of cops.

"Wait a second, wait," Dean said, looking around the parking lot.

"What is it?" You asked.

"There is no one inside, right?"

"Yeah, the place is empty, why?"

"Then where's Richie?" Dean asked and you three shared the same look. Richie had gotten himself into trouble.

"No, the question is... Where's the bartender?" You noticed she was gone too.


In the morning, when Sam was still sleeping, Dean was obsessing over finding Richie. You knew how to hack into many things and tracking his phone was one of your skills. Dean gave you Richie's number and you did your thing, trying to track his phone. It turned out that he was still in town and you got an address and since it was still early, you and Dean set off to find him.

What you came to find wasn't what you expected. You found Richie alright but he was dead in some woman's basement. You swore as Dean picked him up, pissed at whoever did this. Dean didn't want to just leave him there and while he was giving him a proper burial, you looked around the basement to see if you could find out who did this.

You saw pictures of the bartender hanging around and you thought this was her home but you didn't think she was capable of doing such a thing until you came across something huge.

"Dean, you need to see this!" you yelled out to him. He finished with what he was doing and walked to you, seeing the pictures of you, Sam and Dean along with someone named Crowley. You didn't know what this was but you figured she was the demon you were tracking since she had kept tabs on you three.

"Trotter isn't the demon, it's her. She must have killed Richie. Poor Richie." You finished with a sigh.

"Okay, look, Sam can't know about this yet. Look, I have a plan but I need you to know that this isn't real and my only goal is trapping her in here." Dean said, getting out the can of spray paint he had in the duffel bag he brought with him in case Richie was in danger.

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