Mystery Spot- Part 4

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Lips on your neck and cheek are what woke you up. You groaned and turned away from Dean, wanting to wake up from this nightmare. You faintly heard Heat of the Moment play in the background and you wished that song would burn. It was starting to get really annoying.

"Come on, sweetheart. Wake up!" Dean said cheerily and you opened your eyes, turning on your side to see him lacing up his right boot. He winked at you before turning up the radio which woke Sam up.

"Rise and shine, Sammy!" Dean said, lacing up his other boot. Sam stared at Dean but then lied back down and breathed heavily. You watched Dean get up and go to the bathroom as he bopped his head to the music.

"What the hell is happening to us?" You whispered to Sam but all he did was sigh.


The morning started out the same, Dean trying to annoy you and Sam with his gargling, you suggesting breakfast, going to the diner to see the cashier hand Mr. Pickett change and Cal wanting some coffee but having no money. Doris came by and took your meal, Dean ordering the same thing every single day. You and Sam didn't have anything because watching Dean die were making you sick. It was always the same damn thing and all you wanted, apart from Dean staying alive, was to get out of this god-forsaken town.

As soon as you sat down at the booth, Dean at your side and Sam across from you, you told Dean what was happening, begging him to believe you.

"I still think you're nuts, but ... whatever this is, we'll figure it out." Dean said with a sigh.

"Thanks," Sam said but you weren't sure it was sincere.

"So, uh... If you two are stuck in Groundhog Day, why? What's behind it?"

"Well, first I thought it was the Mystery Spot. Now I'm not so sure." Sam sighed.

"Same here. I think something bigger is going on but I can't place it.

"So, what do we do?" Dean asked.

"Well, we keep you breathing. Try to make it to tomorrow."

"Yeah, because that worked out so well last time," you sassed Sam and he glared at you.

"That's the only thing I can think of."

"Shouldn't be too hard," Dean shrugged.

"Yeah, if you were in the same spot until midnight without moving at all. We've watched you die a few times now and we can't seem to stop it." You rolled your eyes.

"Well, nothing's set in stone. You say I order the same thing every day, right?"

"Yeah. Pig in a poke, side of bacon." Sam nodded. Dean nodded and turned his head to Doris who was talking with the chef through the tiny window.

"Excuse me, sweetheart?" He asked and she turned around and looked at Dean. "Can I get sausage instead of bacon?"

"Sure thing, hon," she said before turning around to tell the chef.

"See?" Dean said to you and Sam. "Different day already. You see, if you two and I decide that I am not gonna die—I'm not gonna die."

"I wish it were that easy," You whispered. Doris walked over to the table and set down the food before walking away.

"Thank you," Dean called over to the waitress before stabbing a sausage link with his fork. He bit into it and smiled as he chewed. Sam started to smile but you heard Dean gasping for air. You turned to him as he started to choke and you hit his back but that didn't seem to work.

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