Long-Distance Call- Part 4

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The next day, you got a call from Lanie, the teenage girl who said her dead mom has been talking to her. You wanted to stay with Dean and research with him so you sent Sam to go talk to her. He stepped out of the room to talk with her while you researched with Dean.

You told Sam about your mom and John and what they said. Sam had a hard time believing you but the look you gave him shut him up. You were so full of hope for saving Dean, he didn't want to take that away from you. Sam finished up with his call with the teenager and walked back into the room.

"What happened?" You asked Sam, worried for the girl.

"Her Mom's ghost spooked her out pretty bad last night." Sam sighed.

"That sucks." Dean said without looking up from the laptop.

"Yeah it does. What are you doing?" Sam asked. You told him about what your mom and John told you and at first, he didn't believe it. He still believes it's not really John and your mom. But you knew your mom and this was her.

"I think Dad's right. I think the demon is here. Check it out." Dean said, handing Sam some papers.

"What is this, weather reports?" Sam asked, looking through it.

"Omens. Demonic omens. Electrical storms everywhere we've been for the past two weeks." You answered for Dean.

"Ahh... I don't remember any lightning storms."

"Well, I don't remember you studying meteorology as a kid either. But I'm telling you, that bastard's been tailing me... wearing some poor dude's meat." Dean snapped.

"And it's following you because...?"

"I guess I'm big game, you know. My ass is too sweet to let outta sight." Dean smirked. You rolled your eyes but stayed silent.

"Okay. Sure." Sam said unenthusiastically. You frowned, getting up and snatching the papers back.

"Don't get too excited, Sammy. Might pull something." Dean said sarcastically.

"Dean, look, I wanna believe this man, I really do..." Sam started.

"Then believe it! if we get this sucker, it's Miller Time." Dean stated.

"Come on, Sam. This is huge for us. We finally have the demon that holds his contract and we have a way to kill him." You said gently.

"Yeah, that's another thing. Our dad and your mom rattles off an exorcism that can kill a demon? I mean not just send it back to hell, but kill it?"

"I've checked it out. This is heavy duty Dark Ages. Fifteenth century." Dean said with a nod.

"Yeah, I've checked on it too Dean. And so did Bobby." Sam said quietly.

"Okay, and?" Dean shrugged.

"Look. It definitely is an exorcism, okay, there's just no evidence it can kill a demon."

"No evidence it can't." You pointed out and Dean nodded.

"Come on, guys." Sam sighed.

"Hey, as far as I'm aware the only one of us who has actually been to hell is Dad and apparently Y/N's Mom. And maybe they picked up a couple of tricks down there, like which exorcisms work."

"Maybe it does. I hope it does too, but we gotta be sure."

"Why aren't we sure?" You argued.

"Because I don't know what's going on around here! I mean, some guy blows his brains out, a little girl is scared out of her wits..." Sam said.

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