No Rest For The Wicked- Part 3

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Your dad was taking too long to come back to his house and Dean was getting impatient.

"Let's just do this without him. We can't bring him into this." Dean said and you sighed. You really wanted him with you but Dean was right. This wasn't your dad's fight. You should have left him out of this.

"Fine, let' go before he comes back." You and the brothers got in the car but before Dean could start her up, there was a loud knock on Dean's window. You jumped and let out a small yelp before looking at your dad who was pissed. You sighed and got out of the car along with the brothers.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked angrily.

"We got the knife." Dean said.

"I already told you this." You said to him.

"And you just intended to use it without me," He said, looking between the three of you. "Do I look like a ditchable prom-date to you?"

"No, Bobby. Of course not."

"This is about me... and Y/N and Sam. Ok? This isn't your fight."

"I shouldn't have gotten you involved like this." You said apologetically. Your dad didn't seem comforted by those words, instead he looked furious. He walked up to Dean and got in his face.

"The hell it isn't!" He yelled and Dean was taken aback by these words. "Family don't end with blood, boy. Besides, you need me."

"Bobby." Dean sighed.

"You're playing wounded. Tell me, how many hallucinations have you had so far?" You and Sam looked at Dean.

"Wait you're having hallucinations?" You asked but Dean didn't answer you.

"How did you know?" Dean asked shamefully.

"Because that's what happens when you've got hellhounds on your ass. And because I'm smart." Dean sighed and looked at the ground before shaking his head. "Don't worry, I'll follow." Your dad left your side and walked to his car. You sighed and looked at Dean who looked away room you.

"How come you didn't tell me about the hallucinations?" You asked him.

"Would it have mattered? Come on, we're running out of time." He said before getting back in the car. You sighed and looked at Sam who just shrugged. You and he got in the car before Dean started her up. He drove away from your dad's house with your dad following you three.

As Dean drove down the empty road, the silence was killing you. Here you were, with less than a day with Dean alive and you were spending it in silence.

"Hey, Dean?" Sam asked, breaking it.


"You know if this doesn't uh... this doesn't go the way we want, I want you to know—" Sam started but his brother cut him off.

"No. No, no, no, no."

"No what?"

"No, you're not gonna bust out the misty good-bye speech, okay? And if this is my last day on earth, I do not want it to be socially awkward." Dean scoffed but that's not what you wanted. You looked at Sam and he looked a little defeated and sad. Fuck this.

"Screw this, Dean. We're having this moment whether you like it or not. I love you so much and I need you to know this. I know what is going to happen at midnight and whether I'm ready for it or not, that doesn't change the fact that it's happening. You're my best friend in the whole world and I'm glad my mom took me to the park that one day because I met you there and my whole world changed." You said but Dean stayed silent. You knew he secretly craved these moments but he wouldn't show it.

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