Time Is On My Side- Part 4

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After arriving at Bela's apartment, you were glad to know you were there before she came back from wherever she was. You walked right into her building, picking the lock to her apartment. You walked inside and looked around to see if she put the Colt on display.

"Okay, we should split up." You nodded at Dean's suggestion and walked into the living room and began looking. You were by the window and heard a car door slam which made you look outside.

"Dean, we don't have time to look. She just got home." You watched as Bela got out of the car that pulled up. The driver left and she walked to the front door of the apartment building. You looked behind you to see Dean walking to you.

"Okay, come on." He grabbed your hand and began pulling you into hiding.

"What are you going to do?" You whispered even though you probably didn't need to.

"We're going to give her a surprise welcome home." He smirked and you heard a key jiggling as the door to the apartment opened. You watched as Bela walked in, turning around to close the door. That is when Dean attacked. He took out the gun he had in his jeans and turned Bela around, pinning her to the door with his gun in her face.

"Where's the Colt?" Dean asked harshly.

"Dean. I know you're there Y/N," She said calmly. You took out your gun and pointed it at her as you came out of hiding. "Great, now we're missing Sam. Where is he?"

"No extra words," Dean growled.

"It's long gone, across the world by now."

"You're lying." You glared at her. She wouldn't just sell it. It was too damn important. Dean grabbed the bag from her hand and tossed it to you. You started to look through it while Dean kept his gun trained on her.

"I'll call the buyer. Speak Farsi?" She smirked. Dean wrapped his arm around her waist and you sighed, not finding the Colt in her bag. You threw the bag to the ground and watched as Dean began to frisk her. You knew he had a good reason for doing so. Now that you didn't have her bag, you pointed your gun at her.

"What the hell are you...?" Bela asked but Dean pulled away from her, holding her gun that she had hidden on her.

"Don't flatter yourself," He turned on the lights using the barrel of his gun and pointed it at her when he finished. "Don't move." Dean began to search the room now that he had free reign. You kept your gun trained on her while Dean searched.

"I told you, I don't have it." She sighed.

"Oh, yeah, I'm definitely gonna take your word for it," Dean said bitterly. Dean turned his focus back on searching and you made the mistake of looking back at Dean. You heard a shuffle and looked back to see Bela moving towards the door. You aimed your gun at her head but shot the wall just inches from her head. She froze when she heard the shot and looked at you.

"Next one goes between the eyes. I don't miss." You glared at her. She looked past you at Dean and sighed.

"It's gone. Get on a plane if you must. Track down the buyer. You might catch up to him eventually." Dean grunted out in frustration and gave up the search because he wasn't going to find it. He walked back to you and pointed his own gun at her.

"Are you going to kill me?" She asked, seemingly scared at the thought.

"Oh, yeah." Dean grinned.

"You're not the cold-blooded type." She said, changing her story.

"You mean like you?" You said and her eyes snapped to yours.

"That's true. See, I couldn't imagine killing my parents." Dean spoke after you. She looked between you and Dean, shocked but she composed herself.

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