The Magnificent Seven- Part 4

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You brought Envy back to Tamara's place where you tied him up under a Devil's Trap. But you weren't in there trying to kill him, no, everyone was arguing.

"I say we're going back! Now!" Tamara yelled, wanting revenge for her husband.

"Now, wait a minute, Tamara." You tried saying to her.

"I left my husband bloody on the floor!" She yelled.

"We understand that, okay, and we're sorry for your loss but we can't go back!" You said to her.

"Fine, then you stay but I'm headed to that bar." She said.

"Tamara, stop, they're not going to be there! They know we took their friend so they're going to be coming for him. It's only a matter of time before they find us. Do you even know who they are? The seven deadly sins! Okay? They haven't been around since the Dark Ages. That's a long fucking time. We've never seen anything like it!" You tried to reason with her.

"I don't give a rat's ass if they're the Three Stooges or the Four Tops! I'm gonna slaughter every last one of them!" Tamara yelled, rage in her eyes.

"We already did it your way!" Bobby yelled, stepping to Tamara. "You burst in there half-cocked and look what happened! These demons haven't been topside in half a millennium! We've never faced anything close to this! So, we are gonna take a breath... And figure out what OUR NEXT MOVE IS!!!!"

Bobby was yelling and shouting in her face because he knew better than Tamara. She needed to think about this.

"I am sorry for your loss." Bobby quietly added after a long moment of silence. Tamara scoffed and she pushed past everyone, walking into the room where Envy was.

"So, you know who I am, huh?" Envy said when everyone was in the room.

"Yeah, we do. I gotta say, you're a lot less scary when you're inside one of these things." You added, looking at the devil's trap on the ceiling.

"Why are you here? What are you after?" Sam asked, getting no answer from the demon.

"He asked you a question. What do you want?" Dean repeated. Envy chuckled condescendingly but didn't answer. Dean shook his head and took out a flask of holy water, splashing some on the demon, making his skin sizzle. Envy cried out in pain but chuckled through it.

"We already have... what we want." Envy said, panting.

"What's that?"

"Freedom. Thanks to you, my kind are everywhere. I am Legion, for we are many. So, me, I'm just celebrating. Having a little fun."

"Fun? You call killing people fun?" You asked, scoffing at this.

"Yeah, see, some people crochet. Others golf. Me? I like to see people's insides... on their outside."

"I'm gonna put you down like a dog," Tamara said, walking closer to the demon.

"Please," Envy laughed. "You really think you're better than me? Fine, go ahead, which one of you can do some damage? What about you, Dean? You're practically a walking billboard of gluttony and lust. Tamara, all that wrath. It's the reason you and Isaac became hunters in the first place, isn't it? It's so much easier to... drink in the rage than to face what really happened all those years ago."

Tamara's face twisted into anger and smacked him hard twice before Dean and Bobby pulled her back.

"Whew!" Envy said, smiling. "My point, exactly. And you call us sins. We're not sins, we're basic human instinct. You can repress and deny us all you want, but the truth is, you are just animals. Horny... greedy... hungry... violent animals. And you know what? You'll be slaughtered like animals, too. The others? Well, they're coming for me."

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