Dream A Little Dream Of Me- Part 3

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"Okay, so when do we start going into my dad's head?" You asked, looking at Dean who snapped his gaze to you.

"You're not going anywhere. Just let Sam and I try and get him out." Dean said but you cut him off, not letting him finish his sentence.

"I don't know who think you are but I'm going. He's my dad, Dean. I need to make sure he's safe. I can't lose another parent. I won't. I'm going and I don't care if I have to take you down in order to do it." You said, walking over to the safe. You opened it and grabbed the jar out before closing it.

"Just let her go, Dean," Sam said, on your side.

"Fine but you're staying by my side." Dean said as if you were a child as if you've never been hunting before.

"How do we do this?" You asked, holding up the jar containing the Dream Root. Sam, deciding he was decent enough to stand up, walked over to you and grabbed the jar to make the drink.

"I'll do it," Sam said and you walked over to Dean, sitting next to him on the bed.

"This is going to be so weird." You said with a sigh.

"It's going to be alright. We're going to get him out of there." Dean said.

"Don't ever tell me to stand down from a hunt, understand?" You said, looking at Dean. He sighed and nodded just before Sam walked over, handing you and Dean a cup of a dark liquid.

"So, we just drink it and then fall asleep?" You asked, looking inside the cup.

"Wait, I almost forgot..." Sam said, taking something out of his pocket. It was a small bag of hair. "We need to add this."

"What the hell? Is that hair?" You asked while Sam put a little in your cup, some in Dean's and the rest in his.

"Yeah, it's Bobby's," Sam said.

"We have to drink Bobby's hair?" Dean asked, disgusted.

"That's how you control whose dream you're entering. You gotta... drink some of their uh... some of their body." Sam said, shifting uncomfortably.

"I have to drink my dad?" You asked, looking at the cup.

"You wanted to do this," Dean said, looking at you but you rolled your eyes. "I guess the hair of the dog is better than other parts of the body."

"Bottoms up," Dean said, raising his cup. You and Sam did the same, clinking the cups together. You took a deep breath and downed the cup, grimacing at the taste. You swallowed it with difficulty but made it through. Sam and Dean coughed a bit but then drank it all.

"Feel anything?" Dean asked and you looked at the brothers to see if you noticed anything.

"No, you feel anything?" Sam asked the two of you.

"Nope." You and Dean said.

"Maybe we got some bad shwag." Dean said. Suddenly, you heard thunder come from outside and rain pattering on the window. You frowned and stood up, not knowing it was going to rain. Earlier that day it was sunny and bright, not a cloud in the sky.

"Hey, when did it start raining?" Sam asked as you walked to the window and looked outside. Your eyes widened at what you saw. It was raining alright but it wasn't coming from the sky. It was coming from the ground.

"Since when did it start raining upside down?" You asked, pulling the curtains open for the brothers to see. You realized just now that you were inside Bobby's head and in his dreams. When you turned around to face the boys, your eyes widened more when you realized you weren't standing in the motel room. It was a living room. Sam and Dean stood up when they realized where they were.

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