A Very Supernatural Christmas- Part 5

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Back at the motel, it was dark outside. On the way back, Sam had called Bobby because you were still shaken up from the vision and the feelings you got from the gods. Sam just hung up on Bobby when you arrived. You got out of the car and rushed inside, feeling scared for once about a monster you had to face.

"You want to tell us what happened now?" Dean asked when everyone was inside the motel room.

"They were the pagan gods. They aren't hiding one and feeding it, they are the gods. Oh man, when I touched her hand, I got a very bad feeling and saw them both killing innocent beings and eating them. Look, I'm not usually afraid of the monsters we fight but I am now." You said, biting your lip intensely. Dean walked right over to you and grabbed your shoulders.

"Hey, nothing we haven't seen before. I mean, come on, we defeated the Seven Deadly Sins. Okay? We got this." Dean assured you. You nodded and kept biting your lip until you spoke.

"Sam, what did my dad have to say?"

"He said that evergreen stakes will do the job. Which is why I made you stop at that one place. I got the stakes. Three of them." Sam said, pulling them out of the bag he brought in. You nodded and sighed, sitting down and grabbing a stake.

You grabbed one of your knives and started carving it, making sure it was very sharp. Dean did the same thing. Sam, on the other hand, wen to his laptop to look something up. It only was a few minutes before Sam was jumping with victory.

"What is it?" You asked, stopping the work on your stake.

"I knew it! Something was way off with those two." Sam said with a smile.

"You mean besides the fact that they're dressed like they're from the 1950s and of the vision I got?" You said with a slight smile.

"Yeah, but listen. The Carrigans lived in Seattle, last year, where two abductions took place right around Christmas. They moved here in January. All that Christmas crap in their house – that wasn't boughs of holly. It was vervain and mint."

"Pagan stuff?" Dean asked.

"Serious pagan stuff," Sam confirmed.

"Alright, we'll leave in a few hours when everyone has gone to bed and won't hear us. Hopefully." You said, moving onto Sam's stake to get it sharpened. This will be one hell of a ride.


It was pitch black outside beside the streetlights as you and the brothers crept up the stairs to the Carrigan house. You and Sam kept lookout while Dean picked the lock. Once inside, you held your stake in front of you and a flashlight in the other. It was dead silent in the house and that is what you didn't want.

You crept inside and found yourself in the living room. There was Christmas décor everywhere you looked and if they were pagan gods, you might think they were Christmas freaks or something. Sam left the group and went into the kitchen. He whistled softly to let you know he found something. You and Dean walked into the kitchen to see what he was pointing at.

"Look." He was shining his flashlight on the door in the kitchen but it was a big lock on it as if they were keeping a secret. You sighed and nodded, walking in front of them and kneeling down. You picked the lock easily and opened the door quietly, not knowing where these pagan gods were. That is what you were most anxious about.

You crept down the basement stairs with Sam and Dean following you, your flashlights pointed everywhere. You didn't want to risk putting the light on so you had to deal with your flashlights. You gasped when your light connects with a pile of bones and you looked behind you to see Sam and Dean not there. You were just about to say something when you heard movement come from the pile of bones.

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