A Very Supernatural Christmas- Part 6

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After taking a shower with Dean and cleaning yourself of the horrible stench, you patched up your wounds and Dean's along with Sam's. You sighed and cracked your back, your stomach growling.

"Man, am I hungry." You chuckled.

"Let's go get some food," Dean said and you nodded.

"You coming, Sam?" You asked him but he nodded, sitting on the bed.

"Nah, just bring me back something." He said and you shrugged, leaving the motel room with Dean. You went to the diner close by and got some food, Dean paying for it.

"Man, what a Christmas to have." You said, walking out to the Impala while Dean held the bag of food.

"You know, you won't be sad forever." You froze at Dean's words.

"What?" You asked, turning to face him.

"When I'm gone. You won't be sad forever."

"I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation. Dean, we're soulmates whether or not you believe in that crap. You're my other half and you expect me to just move on after you're gone? I don't think so. The minute you leave, my world will shatter and I don't think I'll ever recover from that." You said before getting into the car. Dean sighed and knew this was weighing on you heavily but he got in the car and just like that, the moment was gone.

When he got back to the motel, you were surprised at what you would find. You walked into Christmas decorations lightly everywhere with a tiny Christmas tree and a Merry Christmas sign as if Sam stole it.

"Hey, you got beer?" Sam asked with a smile, holding up cups of eggnog.

"What is all this?" Dean asked, amazed at this.

"What do you think it is? It's – it's Christmas." Sam said with a smile. You got emotional and looked at Sam but smiled in spite of how you were feeling.

"What made you change your mind?" You asked Sam after closing the door to the motel room.

"Here, try the eggnog," Sam said, ignoring your question. "Let me know if it needs more kick." You and Dean took the cup and one sip of it and you choked at the taste. You loved hard liquor but what Sam put in here was strong.

"Wow, that's strong." You coughed.

"Yeah, we're good," Dean said and smiled.

"Yeah," Sam said with a smiled. When he looked away you and Dean shared a look because the drink was strong but the drinks didn't mix well.

"Good. Well, uh, have a seat. Let's do... Christmas stuff, or whatever." Sam said, sitting down. You smiled and set your drink down before biting your lower lip.

"Alright, first things first," Dean pulled up a chair and takes two packages wrapped in brown paper from a plastic bag and holds them out to Sam. "Merry Christmas, Sam."

"Where did you get these?" Sam laughed, taking the gifts. Dean took out one gift and handed it to you. You blushed and took it from him and sat down next to Sam.

"Someplace special," Dean said and you and Sam both looked at him since you knew better. "The gas market down the street. Open them up."

"Well, great minds think alike, Dean," Sam said, getting out two packages wrapped in newspaper. Sam pulled out another one and handed it to you. You blushed again and took it. You had something for them that you had for a while. You were waiting for this moment to give it to them and you stood up after placing your two gifts down.

"Wait here." You said, sighing before going over to your duffel bag. You pulled out two packages and walked over to the brothers, handing one to Sam and Dean. They took it and you sat back down.

"Open them last." You said and they nodded. Sam smiled and opened his first gift which was two porn magazines. You laughed because that is really something Dean would give.

"Skin mags!" Sam laughed, opening the other one. It was a can of shaving cream. "Shaving cream."

"You like?" Dean smiled.

"Yeah, yeah," Sam said with a smile. It was Dean's turn to open his presents and he went for it. He tore open the packages and laughed when he held up a candy bar and a bottle of oil.

"Fuel for me and fuel for my baby. These are awesome. Thanks." Dean nodded.

"Okay, your turn, Y/N," Sam said and you smiled, opening Sam's present first. You smiled when it was a People's magazine and some makeup that was clearly the cheap one. But you didn't care. It was awesome.

"Thanks, Sam." You smiled and him and he nodded. You looked at Dean before opening his gift. You gasped at the beautiful necklace staring back at you. It was on a silver chain and at the end was a pointed white crystal with black swirls around it. It was truly beautiful.

"Dean, this is amazing. You didn't have to get me this." You said with a smile.

"It's a pure silver chain in case of werewolves or shapeshifters, you know," Dean said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Show off," Sam said and you all laughed. You put on the necklace and grinned at Dean, knowing you'll thank him for it later.

"Okay, my presents are a little more personal. Um, I found it in the box my dad gave me of my mom's stuff. I guess my mom was great friends with your mom and Mary left some things in there that I think you both should have." You said and immediately after you said those words, they ripped their presents open, eager to find out what you gave them.

You found two flash drives and after watching them, they were of Mary, speaking about her boys in each one. One was for Sam and the other was for Dean. She was so beautiful but when you realized they were for them, you turned them off because they weren't yours.

"What is this?" Dean asked, holding up the flash drive.

"It's a flash drive," Sam said with an eye roll.

"I know what it is, dumbass. What's on it?" Both brothers looking at you for answers.

"I just want you to know that I didn't watch it all. I turned it off when I realized what it was."

"Y/N, what's on here?" Sam asked.

"Your mother made a video for each of you. I don't know when it was taped but they're for you. I thought you should have them." You said and tears began to form in their eyes.

"My mom is on here?" Dean whispered.

"Yeah, she is. She's very beautiful. I see where you get your green eyes." You let out a nervous chuckle. Both brothers instantly got up and engulfed you with hugs. You smiled and hugged them back, kissing Sam's cheek and Dean's lips.

"Thank you for this," Dean whispered to you.

"You're welcome." You whispered back. You realized this Christmas might very well be the last one you might ever spend with Dean. You and the brothers sat on the couch and you snuggled up to Dean, all three of you sipping your eggnog.

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