Dream A Little Dream Of Me- Part 2

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A few hours passed and you hadn't heard a word from Dean. You were getting angsty sitting in the room and wanted to be with your dad. You got up and grabbed your jacket.

"Where are you going?" Sam asked.

"To visit my dad. I can't be in here anymore. Please, stay and figure all this out. If Dean calls, call me and then you can meet me at the hospital." You said, walking to the door.

"Okay, you got it." Sam said, trying to make your life easier. You left the motel room and walked to the hospital since it wasn't that long of a walk. It only took you 20 minutes to walk it and once you got there, you made a beeline to Bobby's room.

You entered the room, thankful that no one was in it. You sighed and walked over to your dad, taking a chair and bringing it to the side of his bed. You say down and took his hand, staring at it before moving your gaze to his relaxed face.

"Hi dad, it's me checking in on you. I don't know if you can hear me or not but I need you wake up, okay? For me? I have so much shit going on that I would really love to talk to you about. I know some comatose people can hear the things going on around them and I hope this is one of those times.

"We can talk more about this when you're awake but I think I'm a witch. I mean, I can do things that scare me. I can move things with my mind and light stuff on fire. I never told Sam or Dean this but I accidentally lit one of Dean's tires on fire. Thankfully he doesn't know but I did that with my mind.

"If I am a witch, then that means my mom was too. I didn't know her for very long but I'm hoping that once you wake up, you can talk to me about her. I looked into our family history and found out that my ancestors were from Salem and were a part of the Witch Trials. I mean, how crazy is that?

"Um, we found the research you had in your closet and Sam and Dean are working on trying to find out what happened to you. Please, don't leave me now. You're my only parent and you've been there for me when my mom died and when John wasn't. Just... please wake up." You finished your little speech, sighing at the end. You let go of his hand and leaned back on the chair, overthinking things like you usually did.


An hour passed and Dean was sitting next to you, his hand weaved with yours. You sighed and stared at your dad with unshed tears in your eyes.

"He's going to be okay, sweetheart." Dean whispered to you. You leaned back and against Dean. You nodded and looked up at him with a small smile.

"I know." Within a few moments, Sam walked into the room and you and Dean turned your attention to him.

"How is he?" Sam asked,

"No change. What did you find out?" You asked, wondering if he and Dean found out anything while you were gone. Sam held up some files in his hand and walked over to the foot of the bed.

"Well, considering what you told me about the doctor's experiments..." Sam trailed off and you furrowed your brows in confusion.

"Wait, what did you tell him?" You asked.

"You weren't with him?" Dean asked you.

"No, I came here earlier to be alone. What did you tell him?"

"Doctor Gregg was doing experiments on dreams and sleep studies and things like that." Dean said and you nodded, looking at Sam. You wondered what he found out at Bobby's place.

"Bobby's wall is starting to make a hell of a lot more sense," Sam said, holding up a picture of a plant from the file he carried.

"What is that?" You asked.

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