Long-Distance Call- Part 3

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After you got back to the motel room, Sam and Dean rushed in not long after you. You blurted out what happened to you and the same thing happened to Dean with his dad. You didn't know what this meant and you looked at Sam but nothing happened to him. You bit your lip and started to pace the floor as Dean did. Sam sighed and he sat at the table, watching you and his brother.

"Dad? You really think it was Dad?" He asked his brother first.

"I don't know, maybe."

"Well what did he sound like?"

"Like Oprah! Like Dad, he sounded like Dad, what do you think?" Dean snapped and Sam rolled his eyes.

"What did he say?"

"My name."

"That's it?"

"Call dropped out." Dean sighed.

"Same thing happened to me." You said and the brothers looked at you.

"Well, why would they ever call in the first place?" Sam asked, confused about this but slightly upset he didn't get a call from his dad.

"I don't know, man. Why are ghosts calling anybody in this town? But, I mean, other people are hearing from their loved ones, why can't we? It's at least a possibility, right?" Dean asked, looking at you and you nodded. You knew this was weird but this was your mom calling you. There had to be a reason. Was she in danger? Were you?

"Yeah, I guess?" Sam sighed.

"Okay, so what if... what if it really is your dad and my mom? What happens if they call back?" You asked Sam with wide eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"What do we say?"

"Hello." Sam shrugged.

"Hello?" You asked, dumbfounded.

"That's what you come back with? Hello?

"Uhh..." Sam stuttered and Dean scoffed, grabbing his jacket and headed for the door. He left but you didn't go after him. You bit your lip and sat on the bed, looking at Sam with worried eyes.

"What if it's my mom?" You whispered.

"I don't know if it is," Sam said truthfully. "I mean, it could be but..."

"What do you mean? That was her, Sam. Her voice and everything. She suffers in Hell because of me. What if something bad happened to her or what if something bad is going to happen to me? What if she's calling to warn me?"

"That is a possibility..." Sam sighed.

"It's nothing else. It's her and she's trying to call out to me." You sighed, laying on the bed, a million thoughts running through your mind. What would she want? Why would she be calling you? How could she be calling you? Maybe the number is out of date because it's what spirits use to contact their loved ones. You didn't know what to think. All you knew is that you had to be prepared for when she calls back and when Dean gets back from wherever he went


Later that day, Dean did come back and by then, you had gone over every possibility over why your mom could have called you. You were still laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling while Sam typed away on his laptop. He stopped talking to you about what he was finding when he realized you weren't actually listening to him.

"Find anything?" Dean asked Sam.

"After three hours I have found no reason why anything supernatural would be going on here." Sam sighed. Dean looked over at you but you didn't take your eyes off the ceiling.

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