No Rest For The Wicked- Part 2

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Sam stood underneath the very big devil's trap but made sure there wasn't any furniture or sharp objects Ruby could use to damage the devil's trap from inside. You sighed and walked behind Sam, looking at the symbols, candles and the bowl with a green, dry substance in it. Man, he really had this whole planned out.

"Wait, Sam, before you start..."

"What is it?" He asked.

"Look, it's obvious you have an attraction to Ruby but..."

"Whoa, I don't have an attraction to her."

"Sam, I have eyes. I know you do. Whether you want to admit it or not. But after this is all over, whether Dean is alive or not, just stay away from her. I know you feel something for her and whatever, you can't help who you like but she's bad news and I have a feeling she is up to something much bigger than 'helping' Dean get out of his deal. I think she's a part of something much bigger."

"Y/N, I'll be fine." Sam shook your warnings off and began chanting the summon. You sighed and looked away, waiting for Ruby to appear under the trap.

"Ad construgendum ad ligandum eos pariter Et solvendum." Sam chanted. He took the box of matches and struck one, putting it into the bowl as he chanted. The content ignites and the fire flares up before setting down before burning out. After Sam was done, he got off the floor and waited for Ruby to show. You looked around and noticed nothing was happening and both you and Sam started to get worried.

"You know, phones work too." You heard a voice from behind you. You turned around to see Ruby there and thankfully she was underneath the devil's trap but neither you or Sam looked up to check. "Hey, Sam, Y/N. How're tricks?" Neither you or Sam were happy to see her. She knew of your feelings for her so it wasn't a surprise you were pissed.

"How do you get around so fast?" Sam asked.

"I got the Super Bowl jetpack," she said, walking towards you and Sam. "So. You called?"

"Did you know?" Sam asked vaguely.

"Um, I'm going to need a tiny bit more."

"About Dean's deal. That Lilith holds the contract?" You clarified for her.

"Yes, I did." She said smugly.

"Bitch. And you thought you didn't want to share that with us?" You glared at her. You ought to sock her in her face if you could get away with it.

"You two weren't ready."

"For what?" Sam asked.

"If I told you, you three yahoos would have just charged after her half-cocked and Lilith would have peeled the meat from your pretty, pretty faces."

"Nice to know you care." You rolled your eyes.

"Yeah, well we're ready now. I want your knife." Sam declared as if she would just hand it over. Ruby walked around the two of you, looking you both up and down.

"You're right about one thing. You two are ready. I know you've been practicing your witchcraft and I know you've gotten good. Use it because Lilith doesn't think you're ready for her. And now's the time, too. Lilith's guard's down."

"Is that so?" You asked mockingly.

"She's on shore-leave. A little R&R." Ruby confessed.

"The hell's that mean?" Sam asked.

"Trust me, you don't wanna know. You didn't lose those hex bags I gave you?"

"We've got them." You said truthfully. You hadn't taken it off you since she gave it to you. Like you mentioned earlier, she may not be trusted but you trust her when it came to this stuff. She was the demon, after all.

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