Sin City- Part 1

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"Hey, what are you thinking about?" You snapped out of your gaze from the view below and looked at Dean who was watching you with curiosity.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." You said with a smile, picking up your fork and resumed eating. Dean, since acquiring a lot of money from the rabbit's foot, took you on a really expensive date. You appreciated what he went through to get you balcony seats, overlooking Sioux Falls city with its beautiful lights and commotion from the people walking around down below.

You loved the change of scenery, the food was delicious, the dress you bought made you feel very sexy along with the heels that even with them on, you still were shorter than Dean. Even Dean looked delicious enough to take home. The whole thing was perfect... too perfect for your tastes.

You loved that he wanted to take you out and to make you feel special but this wasn't you. The dress, the dinner, the place, it wasn't you. You'd be just as happy at a diner, eating burgers and drinking beer with Dean. After that, maybe taking a drive through the isolated parts of South Dakota.

"I know you better than you know yourself, sweetheart. I know when you're lying." Dean commented, putting down his fork to watch you. You looked into his eyes and knew you wouldn't be able to fool him for long. Dean was a smart man and it was a shame that people didn't see it. They all saw Sam as the smart one but you thought Dean was smarter than Sam in more ways than one.

"I'll tell you later. I don't want to ruin the lovely evening you had planned for us."

"It is pretty nice out here, isn't it?" Dean asked but you knew the true meaning behind those words. He hated this just as much as you did. You felt like you couldn't be yourself in these places. You just didn't blend with these kinds of people.

"You claim to know me better than I know me. Same goes for you, pal. I know you hate it out here and frankly, so do I. I love that you wanted to do something nice for me, but I'm just as happy, if not happier than eating a burger, drinking some beers and being with my boyfriend in our pajamas all night." You said, making Dean break out a smile.

"There is a reason why I love you," Dean said, motioning to a waiter for the check.

"Is that the only reason?" You asked, a smile playing on your face.

"There are others but you have to wait until we're alone. If I show you now, the police will get called on us." Dean said with a wink. You laughed and threw your head back, not caring about the stares you received. You were ready to blow this joint and so was Dean. The waiter brought the check over and Dean paid with cash, or should you say overpaid. He stood up after placing the money down and grabbed your hand, pulling you up.

"You know, I'm glad you got $46,000 and my complaint is worthless but don't you think putting down two hundred dollar bills a little over the top?" You said, leaving the table with Dean, making your way through the other couples and families inside the restaurant.

"I still have a lot of money left to do with what I please. I've never had money I didn't know what to do with so sue me for living a little," Dean said, entering the elevator to go back down to where the car was. Dean wasn't too happy to give his keys to a valet since he only trusted you and Sam with his car but you convinced him to "live a little" and to "stop being a baby".

Dean gave his ticket stub to the person in charge and he had a much younger man fetch Dean's car for him. Dean tensed when you saw a young man, no older than twenty, left to get Dean's car. When the driver pulled up to the front of the building, showing that Dean's car was fine and just how he left it, Dean let out a breath you knew he'd been holding since he gave his keys away.

Dean was more than happy to get behind the wheel but not before opening your door. You giggled and thanked him, climbing into the front seat. When Dean got behind the wheel, he took off, glad to be in the comfort of his own car. You tried to get comfortable but the dress you were wearing didn't allow that so you hiked up the end of the dress over your thighs, showing off your long legs.

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