Fresh Blood- Part 2

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That night, you, Sam and Dean decided to scope out the bar Lucy was talking about: Spider. It was a lively nightclub, a lot of people dancing and drinking, not knowing if that drink was going to be their last human drink ever. You scoped out the place to see if you could spot the vampire who had been turning girls but you didn't have any luck with it all.

You three exited the bar, unhappy with your findings.

"That was a big, fat waste of time," Dean grumbled.

"Look, three blondes have gone missing, including Lucy, all last sighted here. I'm telling you, Dean, this is the hunting ground." Sam said, so sure this was the place that the vampire used to turn all the girls.

"Hey, I've dyed my hair blonde before. Maybe I could do it again and see if our vampire comes around looking for fresh meat." You suggested.

"No way, not happening." Dean immediately said.

"Come on, Dean. This is our chance to get him. Unless you would rather dress up in a dress and makeup, pretending to be our girl, I think I'm the better suited one. Right, Sam?" You asked, nudging Sam's arm to back you up.

"Guys, look," Sam said and you and Dean looked to where he was pointing to see a 30-something man walk into an alleyway with a young blonde woman tucked underneath his arm.

"I guess that might be our man." You said, following the couple into the alleyway. You just walked around the corner to see the man hold up a dropper full of what you assumed to be vampire blood and the woman laughed, sticking her head back to catch the liquid.

"You ready, sweetheart? One taste of this and you'll never be the same." She giggled and nodded but before the drop of blood could reach her mouth, Dean charged at him, pulling him away from the girl and clocking him in the jaw. Sam ran over and pulled the girl out of the way, pushing her so that she would run.

"I would start running if I were you." You said to her and thankfully she listened. The vampire hurled Dean into a brick wall before taking off in a run. You gasped and met Sam by Dean, helping him up.

"I'm good, come on." Dean groaned as he got up. You three ran after the vampire but he was nowhere to be found. However, when you turned the corner, you came face to face with a man that wanted to kill you, that you hated from the moment you met him.

Gordon Walker.

His little friend, Kubrick was by his side and both of them had guns in their hands, to which they raised at you.

"Oh, shit," The words were barely out of your mouth before they started openly firing at you three. Most of them were aimed at you since Gordon wanted to kill you ever since you prevented him from killing the vampire from forever ago.

Dean and Sam grabbed you, pulling you behind a wall. You all crouched and panted from being shot out. The shooting stopped and you guessed that they were reloading their guns. Well, they had to run out of bullets sometime.

"Alright, both of you, run. I'll draw them off." Dean said.

"What?! Are you fucking crazy?" You exclaimed. Dean ignored you and took off into the line of fire, distracting them so that you and Sam could get away.

"Dean Winchester!" You yelled but Sam took your hand and pulled you away where you both ran to safety. You couldn't stop worrying about Dean, even after you arrived back at your motel room. You hoped that Dean would meet you back here. You just knew when he was dead and when he was alive and right now, he was alive.


You and Sam made it back safely at the motel room. There was so sign of Dean and he wasn't answering any of your calls, you were so worried. Sam was sitting on one of the beds while you were pacing the flood, biting your nails and lips to no end. Your panic levels were beginning to increase and if you didn't hear from Dean soon, you didn't know what you would do.

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