Fresh Blood- Part 3

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After taking care of the headless women and the vampire Dean killed, the sun was already up in the sky and you, Sam and Dean went your separate ways to find Gordon while the sun was still up, effectively making him weaker. You went everywhere in town, asking people all over if they've seen Gordon but you got no luck with it. You finally made it back to the motel room to see Dean pull up. You didn't see Sam with him and wondered if he was back or not.

"Please tell me you have good news," Dean said when he got out of the car. You shook your head and sighed, walking into the motel room to see Sam seated at the table, maps all around him.

"Man, I must have checked three dozen motels, empty buildings, warehouses ..." Dean trailed off, showing his frustrations.

"Same, Gordon is nowhere to be found and he's making sure to lay low because everyone I've asked didn't know him or have seen him," You sighed, taking off your jacket before sitting on the bed. Dean walked over to the sink in the "kitchen" and began washing his face.

"It's like a giant haystack and Gordon's a deadly needle. We're running out of daylight. Won't have the sun slowing him down." Dean said between washes.

"Yeah, he'll be unstoppable, especially for a new vampire." You sighed.

"Yeah, reminds me, give me your phone. Both of you." Sam said and you did as he asked, handing him your phone. Dean did the same after he dried his face.

"What for?" Dean asked.

"Well, if Gordon knows our cell numbers he can use the cell signal to track us down," Sam said as he removed the SIM cards from all three phones.

"Oh yeah. This is why you're the smart one." You smiled at Sam who shook his head, a smile peeking out. Sam put the phones on the floor and stomped on them, making sure they won't be used.

"Alright, we need new ones," You sighed. You watched as Dean looked out the curtains, the sun fading fast.

"Y/N, Sammy, stay here."

"What? Where are you going?" You asked. Dean walked over to his bag and pulled out the Colt, checking it like he usually does with every gun.

"I'm going after Gordon."

"What?" Sam gasped.

"You heard me."

"Dean, this is suicide." You said, not believing this.

"Y/N, I don't need you and Sam to sign me a permission slip, okay? He's after you two, not me, and he's turbocharged. I want you to stay out of harm's way. I'll take care of it."

"Dean, you're not going by yourself. You're gonna get yourself killed!" Sam said, standing up.

"Just another day at the office. It's a massively dangerous day at the office," Dean said, smirking. You growled, done with the shit act he's putting up. Sam and Dean looked at you but you have had enough of this bullshit.

"Don't you think we know what you're doing?"

"What am I doing?" Dean asked, challenging you a bit.

"You're fucking scared, Dean, I know you are. And before you try and bullshit your way through this, you forget that Sam and I know you better than you know yourself. You're putting up this front, pretending like you're not scared as hell when we know you are!" You yelled at him.

"What do you want me to do, Y/N, huh? Sit around all day writing sad poems about how I'm gonna die? You know what? I got one. Let's see, what rhymes with 'shut up, Y/N'?" Dean said sarcastically, arguing with you.

"Dude, she's right, drop the attitude. Quit turning everything into a punch line." Sam said, backing you up.

"I'm not scared!" Dean said, more for himself than you.

"You're lying. And you may as well drop it because I can see right through you." Sam said, crossing his arms.

"You got no idea what you're talking about." Dean glared.

"Yeah, I do. You're scared, Dean. You're scared because your year is running out, and you're still going to Hell, and you're freaked."

"And how do you know that?" Dean wondered, even though he was right.

"Because we love you, Dean. Because growing up, all we had was each other." You said, looking at him.

"Yeah, I've been following you around my entire life! I mean, I've been looking up to you since I was four, Dean. Studying you, trying to be just like my big brother. So yeah, I know you. Better than anyone else in the entire world, Y/N might be a close second. And this is exactly how you act when you're terrified. And, I mean, I can't blame you. It's just..." Sam trailed off.

"What?" Dean asked.

"I wish you would drop the show and be my brother again. 'Cause," Sam paused, tears in his eyes and you sighed, sad that this was your life now. "Just 'cause."

"Alright," Dean said after a pause, staring into his brother's eyes. "We'll hole up, cover our scent so he can't track us, and wait the night out here."


Later, before the sun went completely down, Dean went out to get new phones. After he came back, he and Sam barricaded the doors and windows while you lit a bunch of sage to mask your scent. However, while in the middle of lighting the sage, Dean's new phone rang. You frowned and everyone exchanged glances. No one should have that number.

"You've had that phone two hours, Dean. Who'd you give the number to?" Sam asked.

"Nobody," Dean said, answering the phone and putting it on speakerphone. "Hello?"

"Dean." Gordon's voice came through. Your blood ran cold and you bit your lip, feeling as if he was watching you through the barricades.

"How'd you get this number?" Dean asked.

"Your scent's all over the cellphone store. Of course, I can't smell you now. Where are you?"

"Like hell, we're going to tell you. Just fuck off, Gordon. You're not getting to me or to Sam so just give up and kill yourself. It would save us the mess." You spoke and rolled your eyes. He could really bring out the worst in people.

"Ah, Y/N, so nice to hear your voice. You know, you were the one I was thinking about the entire time while I was in prison. Just the thought of killing you made me get up in the morning." Gordon confessed.

"Then you're fucking sick," You stated.

"Yeah, well, instead of me coming to you, how about you come to me?"

"What's the matter, Gordo? You're not afraid of us, are you? We're just sitting here. Bring it on!" Dean challenged him.

"I don't think so," Gordon said before there was a bit of rustling from his end. Suddenly, you heard a woman crying and you knew he captured her to get to you.

"Please, please," The woman cried. Gordon took the phone back and shushed the woman before speaking.

"Factory on riverside off the turnpike. Be here in 20 minutes or the girl dies."

"You son of a bitch," You growled.

"Gordon, let the girl go," Dean said.

"Bye, Dean," Gordon said.

"Gordon! Don't do this. You don't kill innocent people. You're still a hunter." Sam spoke up.

"No, I'm a monster," Gordon said before he hung up. You sighed deeply and looked at Dean who was clearly frustrated.

"You know this is a trap, right?" You said.

"Yeah, but what other choice do we have?" Sam said before grabbing his machete.

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