Red Sky At Morning- Part 2

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The next day, you found out there was another victim who was drowned in his bathroom, even though there was no water to be around. It didn't look like the tub was on or even the shower so you didn't know how he drowned or what the cause of it was. You and the Winchesters were all dressed up and got out of the car, that Dean had to pay to get back, and walked to the victim's house to see Bela was already there.

You smirked, seeing how she was pretending to be a reporter, interviewing the victim's brother, Peter Warren. Amateur.

"I am so sorry for your loss, Mr. Warren. Now, if you could just tell me one more time about the ship your brother saw." Bela asked the distraught man. Before Peter could say anything, you and the brothers walked up to Bela and flashed your badges to the man while you smirked at Bela.

"Ma'am, I think this man's been through quite enough. You should go." You said to her.

"But I just have a few more questions." Bela tried saying.

"No, you don't," Sam said firmly.

"Thank you for your time," Bela said to Peter but was looking at you and the Winchesters. She was sending you daggers with her eyes but you couldn't care less. You stared at her as she walked past you and you raised one eyebrow as if to challenge her.

"Sorry, you had to deal with that. They're like roaches," Dean said, making sure Bela heard him when he said the word 'roaches'."

"So, we heard you say your brother saw a ship," Sam said, leading Peter away.

"Yeah, that's right."

"Did he tell you what it looked like?" Dean asked.

"It was, uh... like the old Yankee clippers. A smuggling vessel. The rakish topsail and a barkentine rigging. Angel figurehead on the bow." The man described. You furrowed your brow. If his brother saw it, then this was a lot of detail. Unless...

"That's a lot of detail for a ship your brother saw." You said to Peter.

"My brother and I were night diving. I saw the ship, too." That is what you were afraid of. You exchanged a look with the brothers but noticed Bela hadn't left yet. You watched her talking to the real policemen, pointing at you, Dean and Sam. You nudged Sam and Dean and they saw what you were looking at.

"Alright. Well, we'll be in touch." Dean said and Peter nodded.

"Thank you," Sam noted. He turned around and walked away with you and Dean before the real officers could catch you and cause a scene.

"We have to come back here when it isn't crawling with cops... or Bela." You whispered to them as you walked back to the car. Dean parked the car far enough so that the cops wouldn't see what was in the back of the trunk and they wouldn't be suspicious of you. Dean opened the trunk and the secret compartment that held all the weapons, handing you and Sam a shotgun and started loading his with rock salt, you and Sam doing the same.

"I see you got your car back," Bela said from behind you. You were standing in between the brothers but you didn't look back at her.

"Do you really want to come near me when I got a loaded gun in my hands?" Dean scolded.

"Wouldn't want you to get hurt, now would we?" You added.

"Now, now. Mind your blood pressure. Why are you even still here? You have enough to I.D. the boat."

"That guy back there saw the ship," Sam said.

"Yeah? And?" Bela asked. You scoffed and set your gun down before turning around.

"You see, Bela, that man is going to die. And we are going to help him because that is what we do. We don't steal from people and make money off the items we steal. And we especially aren't you. We actually care for the people involved. You don't care and you should really stay out of our way and let us do our jobs." You glared at her before turning around.

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