Ghostfacers- Part 2

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"That was Corbett!" Ed exclaimed.

"That was Corbett! Corbett!" Harry yelled, everyone, running up the stairs to rescue their friend.

"No! Guys, we'll find him! Come on!" You yelled but they weren't listening.

"Guys! Fuck!" Sam cursed. You looked at your phone and your eyes widened.

"We have a bigger problem..." You said, holding up your phone to show the brothers what time it was. "No one is leaving this house now."

"Come on." Dean sighed and ran up the stairs, taking two of them at a time. You and Sam followed him.
"Hey! Hey! Hey! Come on." Dean raised his voice, getting everyone's attention. Corbett's screams started to fade away before the room became silent.

"Corbett's... He's not here. Let's go. Let's go." Sam urged people. You needed to get them to safety inside the house.

"No. No. No. But that's Corbett. No, that was Corbett. Didn't you hear that?" Ed asked.

"Go, go, go, come on." Dean gathered everyone up and ushered them out of the room with Sam leading them.

"Here we go. Here we go. Keep it moving. Keep it moving." Sam said. You sighed and walked with them down the stairs and you groaned when you bumped into a camera. You glared at the person holding it and saw it was Harry.

"Just walk and turn that thing off!" He didn't listen. You, Sam and Dean brought everyone to the living room since you couldn't leave the house.

"Oh, god, what's happened? Oh, god. He's gone. He just disappeared." Ed began to panic.

"Okay, let's just go through all the angles. Spruce, let's go through all the cameras we have." Harry instructed and talked with the unknown man, trying to figure out what happened to their friend.

"Well, it's 12:04am, Dean. You good? You happy?" Sam glared at his brother. It was Dean's choice to come here.

"Yeah, I am happy," Dean answered back sarcastically.

"'Let's go hunt the Morton house,' you said, 'it's our Grand Canyon.'"

"Sam, I don't want to hear this." Dean sighed.

"You got two months left, Dean. Instead, we're gonna die tonight." Sam growled, picking up a chair and smashing it against the window. The only thing that broke was the chair.

"Whoa! What the hell is going on guys?" Spruce asked, his camera trained on you three. Everyone jumped at the crash and started to pay attention to you instead of their friend.

"I'll tell you what's going on. Every door, every window, I'm guessing every exit out of this house—they're all sealed." Sam kicked the door but it wouldn't budge. You groaned and tried to think of what to do and how to hunt this thing with 4 other people with you.

"But, why are they sealed?" Maggie asked, scared.

"It's a supernatural lockdown, okay?" You informed, catching their attention. "Whatever took Corbett doesn't want us to leave, and it's no death echo. This is a bad motherfucker, and it wants us scared."

"Or it just wants us," Maggie whispered. Suddenly, the sound of an EMF detector went off like crazy. The computer monitors started to static, a sure sign something was coming.

"Uh, guys, the camera is fritzing again," Spruce said, looking at the experts for help.

"Whoa. Whoa. Guys, the EMF's starting to spike. This is a big one!" Ed exclaimed, holding the EMF reader.

"Everybody, stay close. There's something coming." Sam said and you gathered everyone close to one another. You took your shotgun out and pointed it out, waiting for something to appear. Suddenly, a man in a dirty coat appeared, his back to the whole group. Everyone jumped and began to panic but you calmed them down.

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