Malleus Maleficarum- Part 4

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You got to Elizabeth's house in no time before getting out of the stolen car. You and Dean rushed to the house but you stopped when you could sense a lot of dark energy coming from the house.

"Why did you stop? Come on." Dean said, looking at you.

"Go ahead without me. Trust me, okay?" You said and he sighed but nodded. He turned back to the house and ran inside, gun drawn. You rushed after him but kept yourself hidden. You crept into the house and heard commotion going on inside the living room. You peeked your head around the corner to see Sam suspended against one wall while Dean was on another wall. Both of them didn't have their gun.

Suddenly, Ruby speared out of nowhere, getting the demon's attention.

"Wait," Ruby walked into the room, her hands raised in surrender. "Please, Astaroth, I just... came to talk."

"You made it out of the gate. Impressive. That was a bitch of a fight, wasn't it?" Astaroth said with a smirk.

"Doors out of Hell only open for so long."

"What do you want, Ruby?"

"I've been lost without you," Ruby started advancing to the demon named Astaroth. "Take me back. That's why I led the Winchesters here." Your mouth opened and you looked over at Dean who had an angry expression, mouthing the words 'I told you so' to Sam who sighed.

"They're for you... as a gift." Ruby continued.

"Really?" Astaroth said, not convinced.

"Let me serve you again. I've wanted it—I've wanted you—for so long." Ruby pleaded and you rolled your eyes at Dean's interested expression.

"You were one of my best," Astaroth said, nodding. Both demons looked at each other and Ruby pulled out her demon-killing knife before trying to stab Astaroth. However, she older demon was more experienced and caught the knife in mid-air. "But then again, you always were a lying whore."

The knife was thrown away from everyone, landing closer to you. Immediately, the demons began fighting each other, resulting in Ruby being thrown into the TV. Ruby immediately got up and she charged at Astaroth who just threw Ruby into a bookcase. Astaroth grabbed a poker from the fireplace and walked over to Ruby. You looked inside the room to see Elizabeth watching with fear.

You looked at the demon knife and sighed, knowing you had to use some of that mysterious magic inside of you if you wanted to help Sam and Dean. It looked like neither Ruby or Astaroth knew you were lurking around the corner.

Meanwhile, Astaroth was beating Ruby with the poker. She got tired of her tricks and threw the poker to the side.

"Come on, get up." Astaroth grabbed Ruby by the collar and forced her to her feet when she didn't respond fast enough. Your eyes turned to Elizabeth who dumped a bunch of pins on the altar and got ready to do some sort of spell.

"Did Ruby tell you who she really is?" Astaroth said, looking at Sam who stared at her. "Pretty mortifying, I guess. She was one of mine. I turned her out a long, long time ago. Ruby here was a witch. Of course, that was when you were human." Astaroth started chanting something and black smoke started to rise out of Ruby but she stopped chanting and started coughing. You looked over at Elizabeth to see her chanting something under her breath.

Astaroth let go of Ruby and Sam and Dean fell from the wall. Groans could be heard from both and you looked at the demon knife and was about to control it with magic but you heard Elizabeth gasping. You watched as Astaroth killed Elizabeth, stopping her heart. That is what you needed for motivation and you stared at the demon knife, watching as it rose at your silent command.

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